Ex-Navy chief arrested for allegedly taking bribes

Ex-Navy chief arrested for allegedly taking bribes

2015.01.30. 오전 09:56
A former navy chief has been arrested over allegations that he took bribes from a shipbuilding conglomerate four years ago.

A government anti-corruption task force said on Thursday that retired admiral Jung Ok-Geun allegedly took bribes from the STX Group. The group is a shipping and shipbuilding conglomerate which is financially troubled now.

The group's two subsidiaries are alleged to have bribed Jung with 770 million won ($704,000) in the form of sponsorship to a yacht maker on the occasion of a yacht event in 2008.

Jung's eldest son, who owns a large equity stake of the yacht company, has also been questioned by prosecutors for involvement in the bribery case.

[저작권자(c) YTN 무단전재, 재배포 및 AI 데이터 활용 금지]
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