S.Korean couples spend 238MN won on average for wedding

S.Korean couples spend 238MN won on average for wedding

2015.02.17. 오전 10:19
Newlyweds in South Korea spend more than 230 million won ($209,000) on average to get married and settle down in their first home.

According to a recent survey by marriage consulting company Duo Wed, 1,000 newly married couples surveyed over the past two years replied that on average about 238 million won was spent on getting married, which includes the cost of housing.

Men contribute 152 million won and women 85 million won on average.

Housing was the biggest expense costing an average of 168 million won followed by wedding gifts exchanged between the couples.

[저작권자(c) YTN 무단전재, 재배포 및 AI 데이터 활용 금지]
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