[Capture news] 30m dizzying escape with police hanging...the last of a drunk driver

2024.09.11. AM 09:48
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The underground parking lot of an apartment in Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul, last June.

The police, who were dispatched after receiving a report that there was a drunk driving vehicle, blocked the white car.

a driver who reluctantly complied with repeated demands for the window to be pulled down

At the moment, the police felt drunk driving by the smell of alcohol coming out of the car.

[Counselor Jeong Hyun-wook / Seobu Police Station, Seoul: The driver smelled a lot of alcohol in his car and his facial expression showed that he was drunk.]

When I asked him to get out of the car for a breathalyzer test, a desperate escape began.

The police held onto the driver's arm and steering wheel, but he didn't hesitate to speed up.

The dangerous run continued more than 30 meters, and the police, who managed to escape the crisis, immediately launched a search around them.

The vehicle was found two hours later on one side of a nearby building,
has already disappeared.

The police identified the male driver in his 40s and recommended him to turn himself in through his family.

[Counselor Jung Hyun-wook / Seobu Police Station in Seoul: I asked the suspect's wife to persuade me to turn myself in. But the suspect did not appear.]

The run-away drama, which almost ended in success, ended with a police base.A man who returned to the car was arrested as a red-handed offender when he asked to pull out of the car pretending to be the manager of the building


Man claims he bought and drank alcohol at convenience store after fleeing,

He was found to have driven while already intoxicated, and he was sent without detention due to the charge of obstructing the execution of special public affairs in drunk driving.

I'm YTN's Kim Dahyun.

Video | Byun Ji-young
Caption News | Lee Sun and Ahn Jin-young

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