"Secure Min Heejin's term"...10,000 New Jeans Fans Send Second Open Letter to Hive

2024.09.11. AM 11:01
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"Secure Min Heejin's term"...10,000 New Jeans Fans Send Second Open Letter to Hive
Photo courtesy = Door
11,475 members of the group New Jin's fandom gathered their voices, saying, "Secure the term of CEO Min Hee-jin." It sends a second open letter directly to the entertainment agency Hive. Those who said

"11,475 Newzins fandom Burgesses at home and abroad" said today (11th), "We sent an open letter to the new CEO Lee Jae-sang and the current board of directors urging Min Hee-jin to guarantee his term on the 4th, but there was no answer yet, so we send a second open letter urging the resolution of the situation by registered mail today."

The requirements similar to those contained in the first open letter were disclosed again.

▲There are three requirements: to reflect the opinions of the members of Newzins as the top priority; ▲ to guarantee CEO Min Hee-jin's term (until November 2026, under the contract between at least shareholders); and ▲ to take legal action against the members of Newzins for defamation, personal information leakage, and deepfake damage.

Newzins fans emphasized, "As the music and activities of Newzins are directly damaged, we can express our concerns and opinions as fans."

Above all, he continued to express concerns about new CEO Kim Joo-young. Comparing the histories of CEO Kim Joo-young and former CEO Min Hee-jin, he asked again who is more suitable for the entertainment industry.

In addition, Newzins fans cited the recent conflict between director Shin Woo-suk and Audor, who directed the music video, and said, "Under the current management, any small changes related to Newzins will be viewed with distrust."

Finally, he urged the Newzins to resolve the situation, saying, "I hope the members of the Newzins will enjoy music and work in a happy environment."

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