Bank mortgage loans 'all-time high' as housing prices rise in the Seoul metropolitan area

2024.09.11. PM 1:56
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In the wake of rising housing prices in the Seoul metropolitan area, bank mortgage growth last month hit its highest level since 2004, when related statistics were compiled.

The bank's mortgage loans increased by 8.2 trillion won last month from July, a month earlier.

I'm connecting with a reporter to find out more about the news.

Reporter Park Ki-wan, why did mortgage loans increase like this last month?

As housing prices have risen significantly in the metropolitan area, demand for home purchases seems to have increased accordingly.

Banks' mortgage loans rose to an all-time high of 8.2 trillion won last month, according to the Bank of Korea and the Financial Services Commission, due to home sales transactions centered on the Seoul metropolitan area and increased occupancy volume.

The increase in bank mortgage loans in July, a month ago, was 5.6 trillion won.

It increased by 2.6 trillion won in a month.

Last month, jeonse loans also increased by 700 billion won, which is 200 billion won more than a month ago in July.

Credit loans, which fell by 100 billion won in July, also changed to an increase of 1.1 trillion won last month.

In addition to the summer vacation demand, It was analyzed that the low-priced buying was affected by the stock market crash last month.

The increase in mortgages was not just banks.

Mortgage loans in the second financial sector, such as mutual finance, insurance, and savings banks, also increased by 300 billion won last month.

A month ago, it decreased by 100 billion won, but it changed to an increase of 300 billion won in a month.

Household loans from all financial sectors, including banks and non-banking lenders, increased by 9.8 trillion won last month.

It's almost 10 trillion won.

The Bank of Korea and the Financial Services Commission analyzed that the large increase in household loans last month was also a temporary factor.

This month, the two-stage stress DSR, a high-intensity loan tightening, was implemented, and the last-car demand to get loans in a hurry also played a role.

Will this increase in household loans continue this month?

The Bank of Korea and the Financial Services Commission predicted that household loan growth will slow down starting this month.

This is because the second-stage stress DSR, which is a high-intensity loan tightening, has been in effect since the 1st of this month.

Individuals' loan limits are lower than before, especially in the Seoul metropolitan area.

In addition, banks are taking the lead in restricting mortgage and lease loans for homeowners.

Recently, some places have even restricted credit loans to homeowners.

Credit loans are also expected to decrease as demand for the holiday season and stock trading decreases from last month.

But it's still too early to feel safe.

It may have a balloon effect in which demand for loans is concentrated with second financial institutions and credit loans to avoid high-intensity lending curbs in the banking sector.

In addition, household debt growth can expand at any time due to demand for directors in the fall and expectations for a cut in the benchmark interest rate in the second half of this year.

Accordingly, the financial authorities emphasized that they will closely monitor not only the trend of mortgage loans but also the balloon effect to the second financial sector and credit loans and boldly implement additional measures if necessary.

So far, I'm Park Ki-wan of YTN in the Ministry of Economy.

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