August Bank Mortgage Loans 8.2 Trillion ↑..."The highest ever".

2024.09.11. PM 4:04
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As housing prices in the Seoul metropolitan area rose and high-intensity lending curbs began this month, the number of people who want to borrow money from banks to buy houses seems to have increased significantly last month.

Bank mortgage growth hit an all-time high of 8.2 trillion won last month.

Reporter Ryu Hwan-hong reports.

Sentiment to rush to buy a house in debt reached its peak last month before the capital's housing prices rose further, data showed, before lending thresholds rose further.

According to the Bank of Korea and the Financial Services Commission, banks' mortgage loans, which increased by 5.6 trillion won in July, increased by 8.2 trillion won last month.

This was the highest since 2004 when relevant statistics were compiled.

Specifically, bank mortgage loans increased by 8.2 trillion won, and mortgage loans in the second financial sector, such as mutual finance, insurance, and savings banks, increased by 300 billion won.

The total amount of household loans increased by 9.8 trillion won, nearly 10 trillion won, as mortgage loans in the entire financial sector increased by 8.5 trillion won.

It is analyzed that loans have soared as demand for loans has increased due to the recent rise in housing prices in the Seoul metropolitan area and the demand for loans has been concentrated before the introduction of the second phase of stress DSR, a high-intensity loan clampdown that took effect this month.

[Park Min-chul / Deputy Director of Financial Markets at the Bank of Korea: The increase in mortgage loans was mainly attributable to the increase in home sales transactions in the Seoul metropolitan area over the past few months. In addition, it is believed that there was some demand for loans before the government tightened lending regulations, as well as an increase in occupancy volume.

In addition, credit loans also increased by KRW 1.1 trillion due to demand during the summer vacation season and the influx of low-priced purchases due to the stock market crash.

The Bank of Korea and the Financial Services Commission predicted that this increase in household debt will slow down from this month.

This is because strong loan regulations from financial authorities and banks are in effect, and temporary demand for credit loans is expected to decrease.

However, there is a possibility that household debt growth will grow again due to demand for directors in the fall and expectations for a cut in the benchmark interest rate in the second half of this year.

Accordingly, the financial authorities emphasized that they will closely check the balloon effect with second financial institutions and credit loans as well as mortgage loans and boldly implement additional measures if necessary.

I'm YTN's Ryu Hwan Hong.

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