MBC "The Board of Audit and Inspection does not meet the requirements, but the target contract is audited."

2024.09.11. PM 4:30
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MBC and the visiting team strongly protested against the audit results of the Board of Audit and Inspection that MBC managed negligence and the Korea Broadcasting Culture Promotion Association neglected it.

MBC said the Board of Audit and Inspection's "public audit" has filed a constitutional petition, calling it a "targeted contract audit" that does not meet the requirements.

In particular, in response to the results of the audit, MBC said that it has been in the black for five consecutive years, and the National Audit claimed that the Board of Audit and Inspection attempted to take control of MBC for political purposes.

Regarding the loss of investment in U.S. resort development, he said he invested in a "fund," not a real thing, and explained that he is overhauling his rules and reporting them to the visitors regularly after the loss.

The visiting team also stressed that all state agencies should respect MBC's political independence and freedom of speech, saying they have faithfully managed and supervised MBC, including demanding efforts to reduce losses.

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