Prime Minister Han said, "Introduction of a reporting system for missing words...Marine Waste Countermeasures"

2024.09.26. AM 10:33
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Prime Minister Han Duck-soo said he will introduce a reporting system for fishing gear lost during marine operations and establish related databases to deal with them quickly.

At a meeting of ministers related to state affairs today (26th), Prime Minister Han said, "We can no longer delay special measures to drastically reduce the amount of abandoned fishing gear."

The issue of marine waste, such as abandoned fishing gear, is not only a task in Korea but also worldwide, and related ministries asked for active communication with international organizations such as the United Nations, local communities, and environmental organizations.

Closed fishing gear accounts for 76% of the 50,000 tons of waste generated at sea per year, causing 400 billion won in damage to the fisheries industry every year.

In addition, Prime Minister Han said that the government should raise awareness of livestock epidemics from the fall season, and that it will operate from next month to February next year as a special quarantine period for livestock epidemics.

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