The first meeting tomorrow of the 'Underground Safety Improvement TF' to deal with the ground-breaking measures.

2024.09.26. AM 11:02
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Amid the recent landfall phenomenon everywhere, the "TF for Improving Underground Safety Management System," formed by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, will begin its activities tomorrow (27th).

The 'Underground Safety Improvement TF' consists of 17 people, including the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, and the Seoul Metropolitan Government, the Korea Expressway Corporation, the Korea Institute of Construction Technology, and KAIST.

TF plans to focus on investigating high-risk areas of ground subsidence by the end of the year and come up with measures to strengthen excavation management along with enhancing the reliability of ground exploration.

In addition, the current status and problems that emerged during the inspection process will be reflected in the second basic national underground safety management plan, which will be implemented for five years starting next year.

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