Detect harmful substances in overseas pet products and essential oils directly purchased from China

2024.09.26. AM 11:03
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The Korea Consumer Agency tested the stability of overseas direct purchases of Essence Oil and pet products from Chinese shopping platforms such as Ali and Temu, and found problems in 75% of products.

The subjects of the survey were 19 essence oils and 30 pet products, and as many as 20 pet products detected harmful substances and microorganisms such as fungi that exceeded domestic standards.

Chloromethyl isothiazolinone and methyl isothiazolinone (CMIT), which are banned as ingredients for humidifier disinfectants, were detected in two of the 10 essence oils used in air fresheners and humidifiers,

Also, 17 Essence Oil products did not indicate the ingredient name in defiance of the regulation requiring the ingredient name to be displayed for allergy-causing ingredients.

The Korea Consumer Agency and the Korea Fair Trade Commission said they have blocked the sale of the products by delivering their findings to each platform.

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