"Tax revenue error" worth 200 trillion won over four years... "Evidence of the game is wrong."

2024.09.26. PM 1:58
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The tax revenue error has been repeated for four consecutive years, and the scale of the error has reached 200 trillion won.

The criticism of the government's failure to predict the economy is bound to grow.

Reporter Oh In-seok on the report.

As a result of the re-estimation of national tax revenues, the government predicted that this year's tax revenue will be 29.6 trillion won short of the budget.

Following last year's tax revenue of 56.4 trillion won, the record tax revenue shortage has become a reality for the second year.

In 2021 and 2022, during the previous Moon Jae In government, excess tax revenue occurred, with excess tax collected more than predicted.

As tax errors are repeated, the scale of errors over the past four years has reached 200 trillion won.

The tax revenue error rate this year was 8.1 percent and last year was 14.1 percent, with an average error rate of 12.4 percent over four years.

During the same period, the tax revenue error rate was significantly higher compared to 7.8% in the United States, 7.3% in Japan, and 5.7% in Germany.

[Jeong Jeong-hoon / Head of Tax Office, Ministry of Strategy and Finance: I feel heavy to tell you the results of the tax revenue estimate and the direction of fiscal response. The government plans to thoroughly recognize the situation in which tax errors have been repeated for four consecutive years, analyze the cause of tax errors, and fundamentally improve tax estimates.]

The government cited a larger-than-expected drop in corporate taxes as the reason for the lack of tax revenue this year, and a decline in asset market-related taxes, including capital gains taxes, due to sluggish real estate transactions.

Corporate tax is expected to be 14.5 trillion won less than the budget and transfer tax 5.8 trillion won less.

The government made up for the less-than-expected tax revenue by making the most of the fund's surplus resources, and even opened up the possibility of some compulsory disuse for projects that are inevitably difficult to implement by the end of this year.

However, he drew a line, saying that the extra budget to cope with the lack of details does not meet the requirements.

There are concerns that less tax is being collected, leaving the financial base weak, which could lead to a poor economic response.It is pointed out that the role of finance is needed at a time when domestic demand is already sluggish due to prolonged

high interest rates.

For the fourth year in a row, tax errors have been repeated as the government's economic forecasts have been missed, and there are growing criticisms.

[Jungsik Kim / Honorary Professor of Economics at Yonsei University] We cannot help but be concerned about the fact that successive incorrect tax estimates could increase the fiscal deficit and weaken the ability of the government to control the economy.]

The government said it will reorganize the tax revenue estimation process by participating in all stages of tax revenue estimation, including the National Assembly Budget Office, the Korea Institute for Taxation and Finance, and KDI from next year.

This is YTN Oh In-seok.

Filmmaker: Jeong Chul-woo
Video editing:Jung Kook-yoon
Design:Baek Seung-min

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