Recruitment of 1,320 households of national lease, including SH Corporation and Godeokgangil District

2024.09.26. PM 3:03
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On the 8th of next month, 1,320 households of national rental housing in the 2nd block of Godeokgangil district and Segok, Gangil, and Magok districts in Seoul will start recruiting.

The targets include 260 households of zero-energy apartments in the second block of Godeokgangil district, a new supply complex, 299 households of residents of residual re-supply complexes such as Segok, Gangil, and Magok districts, and 761 households of prospective residents.

As of the date of the recruitment announcement, the general supply qualification is for homeless household members living in Seoul, and must meet the total household assets and automobile value standard with less than 70% of the average monthly income of city workers per household.

Priority supply is provided to eligible people, such as the elderly, the disabled, elderly parents, newlyweds, and single parents with children under the age of 6 while meeting the general supply occupancy qualifications.

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