Presidential Office "Investing 65 trillion won in private, AI for 4 years...Support for Special Taxation"

2024.09.26. PM 3:35
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The presidential office said it will invest 65 trillion won in the AI sector from the private sector for four years from this year, adding that the government will support tax special cases to further boost private investment.

Park Sang-wook, senior presidential secretary for science and technology, held a briefing today and said that the four major pan-governmental projects were announced at the launch ceremony and first meeting of the National Artificial Intelligence Committee to become three major powerhouses in the artificial intelligence sector by 2027.

At the same time, the government decided to establish a 'National AI Computing Center' worth 2 trillion won to provide AI computing infrastructure and establish an AI safety research center in November to achieve AI development and trust in a balanced way.

Chief Park also said that the government will push for the establishment of a basic AI law within this year and strengthen global AI leadership through it.

Park stressed that the National Artificial Intelligence Committee will quickly launch a pan-ministerial support group to support it as it performs various functions, and that the government plans to actively conduct an all-out war on AI by the 'Public and Public Officials Team' through the committee.

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