Samsung Electronics is getting old...Employees in their 40s or older, overtaking for the first time in their 20s.

2024.09.26. PM 3:38
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At Samsung Electronics, employees in their 40s and older have surpassed the number of employees in their 20s for the first time.

According to an analysis of the current status of Samsung Electronics employees worldwide over the past 14 years by the Korea CXO Research Institute, the proportion of employees in their 20s decreased from 55% in 2010 to 27% last year.

On the other hand, the proportion of employees in their 40s and older increased from 11% to 30% during the same period.

In particular, last year, the number of people in their 40s or older increased to 81,000, surpassing the number of employees in their 20s for the first time.As the number of annual employees in

has increased, one in three employees is an executive, and labor costs nearly tripled from 13.5 trillion won in 2010 to 38 trillion won last year.

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