Kim Young-sun and Myung Tae-kyun raid...alleged violation of the Political Fund Act

2024.09.30. PM 1:59
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Prosecutors are searching the homes of Kim Young-sun, former lawmaker of People's Power, and Myung Tae-kyun, who were suspected of intervening in the nomination of Kim Gun-hee.

The Changwon District Prosecutors' Office has been searching the homes of two people suspected of violating the Political Fund Act since this morning (30th).

The prosecution is investigating former lawmaker Kim, believing that he has delivered 90 million won to Myung dozens of times since August 2022.

Earlier in December, the Gyeongsangnam-do Election Commission filed a complaint with the Changwon District Prosecutors' Office against Kim, the accounting officer, on charges of violating the Political Fund Act, and asked Kim and Myung to investigate.

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