[Weather] "The temperature drops" after tomorrow's rain...Nearby typhoon in the second half of the week, southern rain and wind, sea swells

2024.09.30. PM 2:16
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Until today, the late heat will continue mainly in the west, but the temperature is expected to drop sharply after rain tomorrow.

The 18th typhoon, "Kuraton," in Taiwan's southern waters, is expected to gradually develop strongly and then turn toward the Korean Peninsula.

We will connect with reporters to find out the temperature and typhoon prospects. Reporter Kim Minkyung!

It's been a little hot in the middle of the day, like early summer, but the temperature drops sharply tomorrow?

Yes, first of all, until today, the late heat will continue to reach 30 degrees in most parts of the west, including 28 degrees Celsius in Seoul.

However, after rain across the country, starting in the Midwest tomorrow, temperatures are expected to drop sharply as cold air descends from the northwest.

Tomorrow's daytime temperature in Seoul will be 22 degrees, 6 degrees lower than today, and the temperature will drop further to 20 degrees the day after tomorrow.

Due to the cold air, temperatures will be at or slightly higher than normal tomorrow, but the day after tomorrow will be slightly lower than normal in most parts of the country.

Is there a possibility that Korea will be affected by typhoons in the second half of the week?

Yes, the 18th typhoon 'Kuraton' is the strength of the river and is located at the sea about 580km south of Taiwan.

It is expected that it will gradually move northwest and develop into a very strong force, then turn around and head north toward the Korean Peninsula tomorrow afternoon.

Since then, the path of the typhoon has been very fluid.

However, in the second half of the week, as the typhoon approaches, the warm and humid air that the typhoon raises and the cold air that has descended on the Korean Peninsula are expected to collide, causing a lot of rain to fall mainly on the southern and eastern coasts.

In particular, damage from strong winds, high waves, and swells is expected at sea, so it is necessary to carefully examine and thoroughly prepare for recent weather information in the second half of the week.

I'm KIM MIN KYUNG of YTN from the Ministry of Science and Technology.

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