Gift certificate advance charge separately managed...Refund is possible if the terms of use change.

2024.09.30. PM 2:46
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The standard terms and conditions related to new types of gift certificates, such as Gifticon, specify the obligation to manage customers' prepaid charges separately and safely.

In addition, if you change the terms and conditions of use against the customer, the customer will be able to receive a full refund of the gift card balance.

The Fair Trade Commission announced the revised standard terms and conditions for new types of gift certificates.

The revision of the terms and conditions was made to strengthen consumer protection in relation to gift certificates that have been problematic due to the so-called Timef scandal.

The revised terms and conditions stipulate the obligation of the issuer to safely manage the prepaid recharge separately and notify the customer of the action.

The requirements for gift certificate refunds have also been expanded so that customers can receive a full refund of the balance of the gift certificate if the issuer reduces the usage or changes the terms and conditions of use against the customer.

However, if there is a legitimate reason under the relevant laws, such as the closure of the franchise store or the expiration of the franchise contract period, it will be excluded from the reason for refund.

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