Oh Se-hoon, "The national identity is shaking..."When you need to get it right".

2024.09.30. PM 3:40
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Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon said that ahead of Armed Forces Day, things that shake the nation's identity are happening everywhere, and it is time to correct it.

Mayor Oh mentioned Han Yu-han, who was an independence activist and anti-Japanese activist, on his SNS, and he sang for freedom and independence, including "National Flag" and "Aprok River March", but pointed out that his name was almost forgotten and there was no monument.

On the other hand, Jeong Yul-seong, who was controversial for his performances in North Korea and China, made songs praising the People's Army and invaded the Republic of Korea with North Korean troops during the Korean War, but some local governments criticized him for commemorating and creating streets, parks, and music festivals named after him.

Mayor Oh's remarks seem to have criticized Gwangju Metropolitan City, which is pursuing a project to build Jeong Yul-seong Historical Park.

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