"Kim Bangtan all mobilized..." "Lee Jae Myung is covering up judicial risk."

2024.09.30. PM 5:56
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When the government voted on a request for reconsideration, or veto, in the Special Prosecutor's Act on Kim Gun-hee, the opposition party criticized all state agencies for being mobilized for Kim's bulletproof.

The ruling party countered that the exercise of the presidential veto was inevitable, defining the opposition offensive as an attempt to water down the judicial risk of representative Lee Jae-myung.

Reporter Kim Da-yeon reports.

The opposition party headed straight to the president's office after the Cabinet's resolution made the presidential veto likely this week in the Kim Gun-hee Special Prosecutor Act, the Chae Sang-byung Special Prosecutor Act and the Local Currency Act.

Mrs. Kim is at the center of all suspicions, including Deutsche Motors' stock price manipulation, intervention in nomination, and external pressure on the investigation of Chae Sang-byung, and repeatedly pressured her to accept the special prosecution.

"The whole nation rejects the presidential veto of the Yoon Suk Yeol. (I refuse, I refuse, I refuse)

In particular, for the principle of conflict of interest, he argued that the president should not use his veto power to prevent the investigation of his spouse, just as he should not exercise his authority for private interests.

[Park Chan-dae / Minjoo Party floor leader: From the president to the ruling party to the prosecution and the police, all power organizations are mobilized for Kim Gun-hee's BTS]

The ruling party responded that the veto was essential because the National Assembly was unconstitutional and violated the president's authority and because it was a bad law that insulted certain people or abused tragedy.

On top of that, the opposition party's offensive, citing the recent arrangement of a progressive group to urge the president to impeach the president, protested that the opposition party's offensive would eventually build a justification for the "resignation of the government."

[Kim Sang-hoon / Chairman of the People's Power Policy Committee: I sincerely hope that the root cause of the impeachment is not to water down the all-time judicial risk of representative Lee Jae-myung.]

If the veto is exercised, the Democratic Party plans to hold a plenary session even on the weekend to push for a re-vote immediately.

National Assembly Speaker Woo Won-sik, who holds the key to holding the plenary session, plans to proceed with the re-vote within the statute of limitations as the suspicion of intervention in the nomination can be viewed as a violation of the election law.

[Woo Won-sik / Speaker of the National Assembly (CBS Radio 'Kim Hyun-jung's News Show'): Since the statute of limitations for the election law is due on October 10, it is not something that the National Assembly speaker should do to prevent the law from taking effect after the deadline.]

In the re-voting, if eight out of 108 lawmakers of the People's Power vote in favor, the independent counsel law will be passed, and the ruling party is confident that there will be no vote to leave.

[Choo Kyung-ho / People's Power Floor Leader: Our People's Power Party members will unite once again and discard them. It is the responsibility of the ruling party to prevent the tyranny of the law by the large opposition party.]

The ruling party, which focuses on internal solidarity, believes that the independent counsel is unlikely to pass immediately.

However, as there are growing calls for an apology from Mrs. Kim in the party and the controversy over Mrs. Kim is considered the main reason why the approval rating of the party and the government cannot escape the decline together, there is also an atmosphere of contemplating a breakthrough.

I'm Kim Dayeon of YTN.

Filmmaker: Lee Seong-mo and Han Sang-won
Video editing: Yeon Jin-young

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