Opposition parties rally to "condemn veto power" in front of the president's office..."Choi Soon-sil's manipulation of state affairs".

2024.09.30. PM 6:15
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When the government approved the president's request for reconsideration, or veto, in the Kim Gun-hee Special Prosecutor Act, the Chae Sang-byung Special Prosecutor Act, and the Local Currency Act, which passed the National Assembly alone, the opposition party urged President Yoon Suk Yeol not to approve it.

Five opposition parties, including the Democratic Party of Korea and the Cho Kuk Innovation Party, held a rally in front of the presidential office in Yongsan and claimed that the people ordered the special prosecution of First Lady Kim Gun-hee, the epicenter of Choi Soon-sil's manipulation of state affairs.

Park Chan-dae, the floor leader of the Democratic Party, stressed in a press conference that President Yoon will have to give up his veto and accept the special prosecutor if he does not want to remain a president who has defended crime and tolerated corruption.

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