Prosecutors sentenced him to 25 years in his 70s for killing his wife while using domestic violence.

2024.09.30. PM 8:38
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Prosecutors have asked for 25 years in prison for a man in his 70s who killed his wife by wielding a blunt weapon after committing domestic violence for more than 20 years.

The prosecution asked the court today (30th) to sentence him to 25 years in the first trial on charges such as the murder of Lim at the Seoul Eastern District Court.

The prosecution emphasized the need for a heavy sentence, saying that Lim appears to have continuously assaulted the victim since 25 years ago, and that he is blaming alcohol even though he committed brutal crimes such as hitting him with a crowbar.In his closing statement, Mr.

asked for forgiveness from his wife and children and sobbed that he was wise to die.Lim

is accused of killing his wife by beating her with a blunt instrument while arguing with her at an apartment in Eungbong-dong, Seoul, at around 9 p.m. on April 29.

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