Musk's dream to materialize...2029 Conquest of Mars

2024.10.01. AM 02:21
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Not long ago, the civilian space travel project was completed safely, and it was evaluated that the first step in the exploration of Mars was completed.

Elon Musk's plan to send a man to Mars by 2029 is taking shape little by little.

Reporter Kwon Young-hee reports.

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This is the moment when the civilian space travel project 'Polaris Dawn' is successful.

Four civilian team members flew up to 1400 kilometers.

It is the furthest manned spaceflight since Apollo 17, which landed on the moon in 1972.

They were the first civilians to attempt a spacewalk wearing only spacesuits.

SpaceX evaluates the test as the starting point for its mission to Mars.

[Sarah Gillis / 'Polaris Dawn' Flight Attendant: SpaceX has great ambition to go to Mars and bring life to life. We need a starting point for that goal. That first step is this mission to test a new EVA (space activity) suit.]

Elon Musk announces he will launch five 'Starship' unmanned spacecraft to Mars within two years

explained that manned missions are possible in four years if all the spacecraft land safely.

It's a step towards the halfway point of Mars exploration.

Musk has already boasted that humanity will be able to go to Mars by 2029.

[Elon Musk / SpaceX Founder: Do you want a future where you travel through space and move through the stars or a future where you are stuck on Earth forever?]

The distance from Earth to Mars is 56 million kilometers when it is closest and almost 400 million kilometers when it is on opposite sides of the sun.

Even if you choose a close distance to get to Mars, it will take half a year at least at the current technology level.

First of all, we're trying to reduce this to three months.

And Musk's ultimate goal is to move 1 million people to Mars by 2050.

I'm YTN's Kwon Younghee.

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