It's still "Young Chloe"...Government, banking sector continue to tighten lending

2024.10.01. AM 04:57
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The size of new mortgages has not decreased significantly as the "young trick" of borrowing money to buy a house continues.

In this situation, the banking sector tightened household loans, and the government even mentioned additional regulations.

I'm reporter Lee Hyungwon.

The surge in household loans has been dampened.

The rise of the five major banks is only 4 trillion won, less than half of August.

But if you look closely, it's too early to feel safe.

This is because mortgage loans for home purchases, not for credit loans or living security funds, have not decreased significantly.

Individual mortgage loans for home purchases newly handled by the five major banks last month are well over 7 trillion won.

Excluding the Chuseok holiday, it averages 340 billion won per day, not much different from August, which was the largest ever.

This is because sales-related loans made in July and August, when the real estate market was hot, are being executed with a time lag.

In particular, it is analyzed that most of the transactions are centered on end-users, so they were not significantly shaken by all-round regulations.

[Banking official] The people who are moving now are actually most of the end users. Even if there are some regulations, real users now have the effect of learning the past, so they go their own way.]

The government is also monitoring the trend, as it may be a situation where people are taking a breather due to a large jump in housing prices.

[Kim Byung-hwan / Chairman of the Financial Services Commission (last month) : We will boldly implement measures prepared in accordance with the trend and pattern of household debt growth under the DSR-centered management stance, such as changes in interest rate policies and rising real estate prices.]

Separately, it also asked financial holdings that handle 60% of the total household debt to manage loans.

In response, commercial banks such as Kookmin are planning to continue tightening their loans by signaling additional interest rate hikes.

I'm Lee Hyungwon of YTN.

video: Eunkyung Lee
Graphics: Lee Ga-eun

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