Today (16th), Chosun Biz unveiled the contents of a Telegram conversation between A, a member of New Jeans' family, and former CEO Min.
According to the report, A sent a message to former CEO Min on September 14 last year, saying, "Please call me because the Ministry of Employment and Labor has started," and former CEO Min said, "I'm getting an IV. I'll give it to you in the afternoon."
The conversation is said to have occurred shortly after fan complaints were filed with the Ministry of Employment and Labor after New Jeans member Hani revealed that she had been bullied at work. On the 11th of the same month, Hani revealed in a YouTube live broadcast that she was told to "ignore" by her manager at the Hive office building.
With this opportunity, a number of fans filed a complaint with the Ministry of Employment and Labor, and the conversation between A and Min is believed to have been related to the complaint, so suspicions of Min's involvement are not expected to subside easily.
Meanwhile, former CEO Min is also embroiled in allegations of tampering. According to multiple reports, former CEO Min met with outside investor Daborink Chairman Park Jung-kyu from August to September last year to discuss investment worth 5 billion won, and discussed whether Newzins could be brought in at the meeting.
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