"Darkist Days" is an open world-based shooting RPG developed and prepared by NHN. Through survivors who survived the extreme situation of zombie apocalypse, various human groups in the world were expressed in various ways, and two CBTs (closed beta tests, closed beta tests) were conducted for domestic mobile users last year.
The global test will be conducted from February 25 (Tue) to March 4 (Tue) without any size restrictions for users around the world, and will release both PC and mobile versions. In the case of the PC version, which will be released to the public for the first time, it will be available through the "Steam Next Fest" hosted by global game platform Steam.
It has also opened a brand site to announce the news of global testing. You can check detailed schedules and newsletters for global tests, various events, and mini-games to test your chances of survival in an extreme zombie apocalypse world. We are currently holding an event to give users who subscribe to the newsletter a special reward coupon that can be used during the test period.
An NHN official said, "We are confident in the positive response of users because major contents evaluated as the strength of 'Darkist Days' have been advanced and parts that were lacking have been boldly improved."
More information on the global test of "Darkist Days" can be found on the official brand site.
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