Son Heung-min and Lee Kang-in joined the European team...Hong Myung-bo-ho trains as a 'full group'

2024.09.03. PM 4:32
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European players, including soccer team captain Son Heung-min, Lee Kang-in, and Hwang In-beom, joined Hong Myung-bo as the last train.

After Sunday's league game, they will move to Goyang City's accommodation where the national team will stay as soon as they arrive at Incheon International Airport and join them from team meetings to training.

On the first day of the convocation training yesterday (2nd), Hong Myung-bo focused on warm-up recovery centered on the domestic team, but on the second day, he decided to hold a "full-body training" with the European team, the mainstay of the national team, until the training time was delayed.

Coach Hong Myung-bo will play the first match of the World Cup qualifying round against Palestine at the Seoul World Cup Stadium the day after tomorrow (5th) for the first time in 10 years.

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