[Weather] 32℃ in Seoul, special heat wave warning again in the west...Autumn rain here and there tomorrow.

2024.09.04. PM 1:24
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The sky is clear, but the daytime heat continues.

Let's connect the city park with the weatherman and look at the current weather conditions at this time. Castor Lee Hyemin!

Yes, it's at Sky Park.

Looking at the sky, I think it's autumn, but there are places where a heat wave warning has been issued again?

Yes, as the daytime heat strengthened a little more today, a special heat wave warning was issued in some areas such as Gyeonggi, Chungcheong, and Honam.

In Seoul, there is no special report, but the temperature rose to 32 degrees today, so you will feel more like summer than autumn,

There's a forecast for fall rain tomorrow?

Yes, it will rain in autumn everywhere tomorrow, and the amount will not be large, about 5-10mm inland.

As a result, it is not expected to cool down completely.

Temperatures in some parts of the central part of the country will only briefly fall below 30 degrees during the rain, while heat above 30 degrees will continue in other areas.

Tomorrow, there will be many places where the morning temperature will drop below 25 degrees in inland areas.

Tomorrow morning, the temperature in Seoul is expected to be 24 degrees, Daejeon 22 degrees, and Daegu 20 degrees.

However, Jeju Island is expected to be 25 degrees Celsius, so Jeju Island will have tropical night heat overnight.

Tomorrow's daytime temperature in Seoul will be 28 degrees, about 4 degrees lower than today.

However, temperatures are expected to rise significantly in the southern regions, where it does not rain, with Jeonju, Jeju 32 degrees, and Daegu 34 degrees.

In the second half of the week, rain will pass on the east coast the day after tomorrow and Glpi, and showers will pass in other areas.

However, the amount of rain or showers is not large, so it is not expected to completely cool down the late heat.

The sea level is high until the day after tomorrow, which is Friday. With the addition of strong swells, there is concern about flooding damage on the coast.

From tomorrow, high waves will flood the coast of Jeju and the southern coast, and from the day after tomorrow on the west coast, so please be careful in low-lying coastal areas.

I'm YTN's Lee Hyemin.

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