Philippines "Promotion of Summit Against China's Offensive in South China Sea"

2024.09.11. PM 2:06
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Philippine Ambassador to the U.S. Jose Manuel Romualdes said more than 20 countries plan to gather to hold a summit during the U.N. General Assembly to combat China's offensive to increase its influence in the South China Sea.Ambassador to

Ro Mualdes said he plans to hold such a meeting at the UN General Assembly in New York starting on the 22nd, and hopes countries will join the Philippines to find ways to bring China to its senses.

In addition, he expected that the more countries united and sent a message that China was doing something wrong, the more likely it would be that China would not do something wrong.Ambassador to

Ro Mualdes pointed out that there are more than 230 Chinese ships deployed in the South China Sea and that they continue to do this every day.

However, it did not elaborate on the plan for the summit.

Since late last month, the Philippines has clashed with China four times in waters around Sabina Reef in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea.

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