Board of Audit and Inspection "MBC Losing Tens of Billion in Negligence Management...Visiting team, left behind knowingly"

2024.09.11. PM 2:58
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An audit result showed that the Korea Broadcasting Culture Promotion Association, MBC's largest shareholder and management and supervisory organization, and "Visitors" neglected MBC's lax management.

MBC suffered tens of billions of won in losses by pushing ahead with domestic and foreign investments without prior approval from the visiting team, and the Board of Audit and Inspection believes that the visiting team did not take appropriate measures even after learning about it belatedly.

Reporter Cho Soo-hyun reports.

There are six allegations of "MBC neglect management and supervision" by the Korea Broadcasting Culture Promotion Association, which the Board of Audit and Inspection released its audit report, and most of them judged that the measures of the visitors were not appropriate.

Even after belatedly finding out that MBC violated the guidelines for prior consultation, the visitors did not properly implement appropriate measures.

First, MBC invested 10.5 billion won in the U.S. Resort Development Fund and incurred a full loss, and the visitors were found to have neglected the problem even after being briefed on it.

In addition, MBC over-promoted domestic projects such as Yeosu theme parks, resulting in a loss of 10 billion won, but the Board of Audit and Inspection also judged that measures to prevent the recurrence of the visiting staff were insufficient.

When MBC reported that it had issued a reprimand warning and institutional warning to the CEO and the director in charge, the visitors accepted it as it was.

The Board of Audit and Inspection pointed out that controversy over excessive contribution to the in-house worker welfare fund was neglected, and that even after receiving reports on deficit management, there was no check on whether or not to implement normalization measures or to come up with new measures.

However, the visiting team reportedly claimed that it was only an autonomous management matter or that there was proper management and supervision.

The Board of Audit and Inspection called for attention from the visitors to thoroughly manage and supervise MBC management in accordance with the Broadcasting Culture Promotion Association Act and the Commercial Act.

It also took caution against violating the Public Records Act, such as refusing to comply with the request to submit audit data and allowing MBC to retrieve or discard the data from the board meeting.

I'm Jo Suhyun of YTN.

video: Ma Young-hoo
Design: Kim Jinho

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