Iranian President Pejeshikyan's First Tour to Iraq

2024.09.11. PM 3:36
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Iranian President Masud Pejeshikyan has headed to neighboring Iraq as his first official visit since taking office.

President Pejeshikyan began his state visit on the 11th local time at the invitation of Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Sia al-Sudani.

Mr. Fezeshikyan contacts Mr. al-Sudani, Iraqi President Abdul Latif Rashid, Congress leader Mohsen al-Mandalawi and other high-level officials there.

President Pezeshikyan will also visit the Islamic Shia holy sites of Najaf and Karbala, which are visited by millions of Iranians every year.

"Iraq is a friendly neighbor and our economic, political and social partner," Fezeshikyan said before his visit to Iraq. "We are ready to sign many contracts with Iraq."

Iran and Iraq, which are predominantly Muslim Shiites, have grown stronger and stronger since the 2003 Iraq War saw the United States topple the dictator Saddam Hussein's regime.

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