Presidential Office "Visit 34 hospitals in 17 cities and provinces...Listening to suggestions"

2024.09.11. PM 3:45
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The presidential office said secretaries and administrators from eight senior offices visited 34 hospitals in 17 cities and provinces from the 5th to yesterday to encourage medical staff and listen to difficulties and suggestions.

An official from the president's office said in a briefing that the university hospital's current capacity for emergency hospitals has been reduced due to the departure of its majors, resulting in additional resignations and staffing shortages.

He then said that problems such as water storage, patients' preference and concentration in large and metropolitan hospitals, and patient avoidance of civil and criminal responsibility were accumulated even before collective action, and in particular, problems caused by excessive dependence on residents were highlighted by collective action.

Recommendations included civil and criminal immunity for medical personnel, expansion of local and essential medical care, and normalization of essential medical care, and many complained of manpower shortages due to recent serial departures and requested the dispatch of military doctors and public information.

He also reiterated that the behavior of robbing doctors and witch-hunting causes side effects such as refusal to work in the emergency room, which is a clear criminal act and a matter to be stern.

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