"Next year's medical school quota." The ruling party's argument...Special Prosecutor Kim Passes the Judiciary Committee

2024.09.11. PM 3:51
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Han Dong-hoon, the representative of the People's Power, is making all-out efforts to achieve the "Council between the ruling and opposition parties," leaving room for discussion on the number of medical schools next year, but some of the atmosphere within the party is also felt.

At the National Assembly's Legislation and Judiciary Committee, the opposition party alone passed controversial bills, including the Kim Gun-hee Special Prosecutor Act, raising tensions over whether they will be included in tomorrow's plenary session.

Let me connect you to the National Assembly. Reporter Lee Junyeop!

Please tell us the political atmosphere surrounding the legislative conflict in detail.

Han Dong-hoon, the representative of the People's Power, said yesterday that the issue of next year's medical school quota can also be discussed in the ruling and opposition party council, which is causing a strange stir in the political circle.

From the perspective of the existing government and the ruling party, it seems that next year's quota cannot be changed realistically and 2026 can be discussed from the origin, and it is actively mediating with the medical community.

In a radio interview, Jang Dong-hyuk, a member of the Supreme Council who is pro-limit, explained that it is not easy to adjust the quota for next year, but rather than putting each other's preconditions, the intention is to come into the consultative body and start discussions.

[Jang Dong-hyuk / Senior Member of the People's Power (BBS Radio 'Ham In-kyung's Morning Journal'): Let's sit at the table first. Without any conditions, without any restrictions. That way, it becomes a healthy, healthy conversation. And they say that the problem is solved only when the conversation starts.

However, there are concerns within the party that next year's quota re-discussion is impossible, and even for medical participation, it could be a 'public check'.

A party official said in a phone call with YTN that there are differences within the party over how to attract the medical community, and pointed out that the message with the quota for next year is mixed and doctors seem confused.

The Democratic Party, which has argued that next year's quota should also be able to be discussed, also points out the discrepancy in the message between the party and the government, and Han is pressuring them to get a definite answer from Yongsan first.

Kim Min-seok, a senior member of the Supreme Council, pointed out that although representative Han Dong-hoon accepted the Democratic Party's position at the Supreme Council, President Han Yoon Suk Yeol virtually ignored the position.

[Kim Min-seok / Senior Minjoo Party member: Han Dong-hoon's speech politics, which is avoided with words, should not be repeated in the medical crisis like the independent counsel Chae and the investigation of Kim Gun-hee]

The Democratic Party of Korea evaluated the government's announced medical measures for the Chuseok holiday as "empty Kang Jeong" and demanded that President Yoon apologize first for the medical crisis.

The controversial bills, including the Special Prosecutor Kim Act, crossed the threshold of the Judiciary Committee?

Yes, at the plenary session of the Judiciary Committee a little while ago, the opposition party handled three things alone: the Kim Gun-hee Special Prosecutor Act, the Chae Sang-byung Special Prosecutor Act, and the Local Currency Act.

It is now possible to put it to the plenary session, but the members of the People's Power left before the vote in protest of the one-sided treatment.

The ruling party members met with reporters and made all the demands they could, such as calling for a referral to the agenda adjustment committee or holding a public hearing, but the opposition party finally pushed for a vote.

As it is mentioned that it will also propose the exercise of the right to demand reconsideration, the possibility of unlimited debate and filibuster by the ruling party is also being discussed if the bill goes to the plenary session tomorrow.

[Yoo Sang-beom / Secretariat of the National Assembly Legislation and Judiciary Committee, People's Power: (If a bill is introduced to the plenary session), Woo Won-sik will remain such an disgraced chairman who will not receive personnel from any members of the People's Power at the plenary session.]

On the other hand, the Democratic Party argued that the people's power was judged and that it had no choice but to pass the claim that it was illegal without suggesting an alternative.

In particular, in the case of the Kim Special Prosecutor Act, the statute of limitations on the alleged violation of the election law will pass on the 10th of next month, so it is emphasized that it should be submitted to the plenary session tomorrow.

[Kang Yoo-jung / Minjoo Party's floor spokesman: Special prosecutor Kim Gun-hee is the only answer. The Democrats can do it. We will definitely pass the Special Counsel Act at tomorrow's plenary session to return justice and common sense.

Please also tell us the situation of the government question entering the third day.

Just a while ago, the interpellation session began at around 2 p.m. against Prime Minister Han Deok-soo and Deputy Prime Minister for Economy Choi Sang-mok.

Representative Lee Eon-joo of the Democratic Party, who was the first runner, said that Timep victims' companies are bleeding tears and asked that the government should be jointly responsible.

In response, Prime Minister Han argued that the most responsible was the managers of Wemakeff who did not pay back properly with such money, and that joint responsibility was irresponsible.

Subsequently, Rep. Lee Jong-bae of the People's Power gave the government a boost, saying the government is lending low-interest loans to companies affected by Timef.

So far, I've delivered it to you by the National Assembly.

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