Error from the first day of the Busan International Film Festival reservation..."Because of traffic overload".

2024.09.26. AM 10:20
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Error from the first day of the Busan International Film Festival reservation..."Because of traffic overload".
ⓒBusan International Film Festival
The Busan International Film Festival caused inconvenience to users, with some reservations canceled due to an error in the Internet reservation system on the first day of general screening.

According to the secretariat of the Busan International Film Festival on the 25th, there have been a number of cases where only payments have been made and no reservations have been made since the reservation of general screenings that began at 2 p.m. on the 24th.

The festival explained the reason for the error, saying, "The payment was made even if the reservation failed due to the overload of traffic in the payment system." Users complained of inconvenience in the situation where reservations were not made normally and only payments were made.

Accordingly, the Busan International Film Festival said it would refund all of them and bowed its head, saying, "We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused." In addition, he said, "We will come up with measures to prevent recurrence, such as expanding servers."

Previously, the Busan International Film Festival experienced similar errors in the reservation process in 2022, causing inconvenience to users.

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