Today's plenary session re-decided the veto bill → 70 bills for people's livelihoods were passed.

2024.09.26. AM 11:45
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Today, the National Assembly will hold a plenary session and deal with some 70 issue-free bills on people's livelihoods, including the 'Deep Fake Prevention Act'.

The "Broadcasting Act 4," which returned to the National Assembly due to the president's veto, will also be put to a vote again.

I'll connect you to the National Assembly and find out more. Reporter Lee Junyeop!

Yes, it's the National Assembly.

Please explain in detail the bills being dealt with at today's plenary session.

Yes, more than 70 bills on people's livelihoods are expected to be passed at the plenary session in the afternoon.

As the bills were agreed upon by the Legislation and Judiciary Committee earlier, it is expected to pass smoothly.

The expected agenda included so-called "deepfake prevention bills."

The revision of the Sexual Violence Punishment Act, which imposes up to three years in prison or a fine of up to 30 million won for possessing or watching even though it is a deepfake sexual exploitation,

Amendment to the Youth Sex Protection Act, which allows police to conduct an 'emergency identity non-disclosure investigation' if necessary, and the amendment to the Sexual Violence Prevention Act, which stipulates the removal of illegal filming and support for the daily recovery of victims, as a state responsibility.

In addition, the revision of the Gender Equality Act, which calls for increasing the period of parental leave from the current two years to three years and the spouse's maternity leave from 10 days to 20 days, will also be on the plenary session.

An amendment to the Court Organization Act, which eased the requirements for judicial experience in the appointment of judges from 10 years to five years, will also be processed.

In today's plenary session, the six bills that were returned to the National Assembly due to President Yoon Suk Yeol's veto are expected to be re-voted before other bills.

In order to pass, more than two-thirds of the lawmakers present must approve the attendance of the majority of the registered lawmakers, and the ruling party still strongly opposes the bills, such as the Broadcasting Act 4, the Yellow Envelope Act, and the 250,000 Won Support Act, so it will not be easy to pass them.

In the midst of this, the ruling party is in an atmosphere of aftershocks of controversy over the "single-handedness" between President Yoon Suk Yeol and Representative Han Dong-hoon, the People's Power, right?

Within the power of the four people, concerns over the party-government relationship have continued since the dinner meeting between President Yoon and the ruling party leadership on the 24th.

In particular, there are still voices that the government and the ruling party need to set up a private meeting again, centering on the close Dong-hoon community, and solve sensitive issues such as the issue of First Lady Kim Gun-hee.

[Park Jeong-hoon / Member of the People's Power (SBS Radio 'Kim Tae-hyun's Political Show') : The people want to solve this problem quickly because there are various controversies related to Kim Gun-hee. I know, don't the people? This is because it is connected to state support.]

In a call with YTN, a key party official pointed out that President Yoon may not be able to hold a solo meeting because he is reluctant to mention the Kim issue rather than the ruling-opposition-government council issue.

He also responded sharply, saying that he thought Mrs. Kim's apology was necessary for the controversy over the acceptance of luxury bags, and that he wondered if the country had ever been so noisy because of the president's wife.

However, another key official said that the meeting between the party leader and the president has become like a meeting between the leaders of the party and the president, and raised concerns that it would be better to wait for the right time than to get too much attention.

In the meantime, the presidential office said that nothing has been decided yet regarding Han's re-request for a private meeting with President Yoon.

A senior presidential official told YTN in a phone call that whether to meet Han alone is a matter of political judgment after looking at the overall situation.

However, inside the presidential office, there are reportedly many complaints about the dinner and that representative Han again announced the request for a private meeting through the media.

In response to the "single-handed controversy," the opposition party criticized the president and the ruling party's representative for fighting emotions while the public groans in pain.

[Park Sung-joon / Deputy floor leader of the main opposition Minjoo Party: Only power struggles, political leadership, and self-esteem exist in the minds of President Yoon Suk Yeol and Representative Han Dong-hoon. Concern and concern for the people is just a rhetoric for media presentations.

The opposition party is continuing to argue over financial investment income tax?

Yes, even after the Democratic Party's internal policy debate the day before yesterday, there are conflicting opinions that the financial investment tax should be implemented as scheduled and that it should be postponed.

In particular, Jung Sung-ho, a senior member of the pro-Myeong community, insisted on abolishing it altogether, not postponement, and some people said that the party should hurry to organize it.

The pressure from the ruling party is mounting, with Han Dong-hoon, the leader of the People's Power Party, criticizing the Democratic Party for holding back, claiming that the abolition of the financial investment tax is a "people's livelihood bill."

[Han Dong-hoon / Representative of People's Power: Did the Minjoo Party give up the Korean stock market and the Korean economy? So are you recommending that I make money by playing Inverse or Shortcut like that?]

Yoon Jong-gun, a spokesman for the floor, told reporters after the policy coordination meeting that the timing of the parliamentary meeting to discuss the party's position on the financial investment tax has not yet been decided, and that other arguments are only individual opinions.

[Yoon Jong-gun / floor spokesman of the Democratic Party of Korea: No decision has been made on when to hold the general meeting of lawmakers, how to decide the financial investment tax, and whether to go through other decision-making processes.]

However, the floor leadership stressed that they should hold a general meeting of lawmakers as soon as possible to collect opinions from lawmakers, showing a slight difference from the existing atmosphere that was expected to be "about a month later."

I'm YTN's Lee Junyeop in the National Assembly.

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