A kindergarten teacher who was fired for misrepresenting "Kim Garu as a spokesperson..." [Anchor Report]

2024.09.26. PM 2:47
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This time, you are looking at the petition posted on the website of the National Assembly Electronic Petition,
Looking at the title
, it seems to be about a teacher who suffers from the abuse and harassment of the kindergarten director and the principal.

What's the story?

The publisher, who identified himself as the mother of the teacher, posted a petition, and the content is as follows.

At kindergarten, there was grilled seaweed for lunch, and the seaweed powder fell on the floor, so the teacher made the children clean it up with wet wipes autonomously in terms of lifestyle education.

But a child went home about the situation and told his mother that he had "cleaned the feces in kindergarten" completely differently.

Parents who heard the story went to the kindergarten and said they would report child abuse, despite seeing CCTV and confirming that it was not a spokesperson.

The attitude of the parents was also a problem,
The director and the principal who should have protected the teacher
makes the teacher kneel in front of the parents.

Later, the publisher insisted that he was forced to write a letter of resignation,

The teacher is reported to be undergoing psychiatric treatment due to symptoms such as interpersonal avoidance due to extreme stress,
The Incheon Metropolitan Office of Education, which has jurisdiction over
, has begun an audit process for the kindergarten to confirm the facts.

It's often possible for young children to relay certain situations.

However, adults' unconventional attitude in dealing with this situation should not make a pathetic victim.

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