The plenary session was adjourned...Human Rights Commissioner's ruling party's recommendation only in the aftermath of the "negative"

2024.09.26. PM 3:52
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The ruling and opposition parties were scheduled to hold a plenary session of the National Assembly and re-vote bills on people's livelihoods, including the "Deep Fake Prevention Act," and the president's veto, but adjourned for a while within an hour.

Among the members of the National Human Rights Commission of Korea, the opposition-recommended member was passed and the ruling party-recommended member was rejected.

There is also a possibility of today's plenary session being disrupted, so we will connect to the National Assembly and take a closer look. Reporter Lee Junyeop!

Yes, it's the National Assembly.

Why is the plenary session adjourned now?

Yes, 90 bills, including various bills and the selection of national human rights members, were expected to be dealt with at the plenary session held from around 2:30 p.m.

In particular, about 70 bills on people's livelihoods were expected to pass easily as they were agreed upon by the ruling and opposition parties at the Legislation and Judiciary Committee.

The mood has changed rapidly due to mixed feelings between the ruling and opposition parties in the vote on the election of the National Human Rights Commissioner, which was the first agenda.

Among the two members recommended by the National Assembly, candidate Lee Sook-jin was approved by 281 out of 298 in favor, 14 against, and 3 abstaining,
Candidate Han Seok-hoon
was rejected with 119 votes in favor, 173 against, and 6 abstaining.

In the case of Lee, opposition-recommended member, and Han is the ruling party's responsibility, which led to protests from the ruling party.

The ruling party argues that the opposition party broke its promise by passing only its own share, while the opposition party argues that it is the result of self-voting by lawmakers.

National Assembly Speaker Woo Won-sik tried to re-vote bills that returned to the National Assembly due to the exercise of the president's veto power, including the Broadcasting Act 4, the Yellow Envelope Act, and the 250,000 Won Support Act, saying that changing the schedule requires consultation between the ruling and opposition parties, but

The People's Power Party floor leader Choo Kyung-ho has declared adjournment first when he continues to demand adjournment.

Initially, it was decided to adjourn for only 15 minutes due to a large number of agendas, but as the ruling party enters an emergency general meeting of lawmakers, the adjournment continues to be over-scheduled.

As a result, the plenary session is completely crippled, and concerns are cautiously raised that the passage of bills on people's livelihoods, including the "Deep Fake Prevention Act," could be canceled.

Meanwhile, the National Assembly Intelligence Committee today raised the possibility of North Korea's nuclear test in the future?

Yes, at the general meeting of the Intelligence Committee held in the morning, members of the ruling and opposition parties received reports from the National Intelligence Service behind closed doors and summarized some of the contents to reporters.

Rep. Lee Sung-kwon, a ruling party official, explained the NIS report that the possibility of North Korea conducting a seventh nuclear test with nuclear plutonium and uranium cannot be ruled out.

The possibility cannot be ruled out ahead of the U.S. presidential election, but the National Intelligence Service said it would not be after the U.S. presidential transmission.

[Lee Sung-kwon / Secretariat of the National Assembly Intelligence Committee, People's Power: There are various types of military provocations such as ICBM launch, satellite launch, missile launch, and various means, so there is a possibility that (the nuclear test) will be later than before the U.S. presidential election....]

It is then very unusual for State Councilor Kim Jong-un to expose to the media that he visited a secret uranium enrichment facility on the 13th,

Externally, he said the U.S. presidential election seemed to be conscious of the economic situation internally.

At the same time, he said he could not confirm the location of the concentration facility he visited, but it is more likely to be a strong ship than Yongbyon.

In addition, there is an analysis that North Korea has about 70 kilograms of plutonium, and the NIS predicted that it could make at least double digits when weaponized.

[Park Sun-won / Secretariat of the National Assembly Intelligence Committee, Minjoo Party of Korea: We continue to monitor and watch the operation of another reactor in Yongbyon amid signs that North Korea is trying to accelerate its uranium enrichment activities....]

In the midst of this, the ruling party is in an atmosphere of aftershocks of controversy over the "single-handedness" between President Yoon Suk Yeol and Representative Han Dong-hoon, the People's Power, right?

Within the power of the four people, concerns over the party-government relationship have continued since the dinner meeting between President Yoon and the ruling party leadership on the 24th.

In particular, there are still voices that the government and the ruling party need to set up a private meeting again, centering on the close Dong-hoon community, and solve sensitive issues such as the issue of First Lady Kim Gun-hee.

[Park Jeong-hoon / Member of the People's Power (SBS Radio 'Kim Tae-hyun's Political Show') : The people want to solve this problem quickly because there are various controversies related to Kim Gun-hee. I know, don't the people? This is because it is connected to state support.]

In a call with YTN, a key party official pointed out that President Yoon may not be able to hold a solo meeting because he is reluctant to mention the Kim issue rather than the ruling-opposition-government council issue.

He also responded sharply, saying that he thought Mrs. Kim's apology was necessary for the controversy over the acceptance of luxury bags, and that he wondered if the country had ever been so noisy because of the president's wife.

However, another key official said that the meeting between the party leader and the president has become like a meeting between the leaders of the party and the president, and raised concerns that it would be better to wait for the right time than to get too much attention.

In the meantime, the presidential office said that nothing has been decided yet regarding Han's re-request for a private meeting with President Yoon.

A senior presidential official told YTN in a phone call that whether to meet Han alone is a matter of political judgment after looking at the overall situation.

However, inside the presidential office, there are reportedly many complaints about the dinner, and Han's representative announced the request for a private meeting through the media again.

Regarding the "single-handed controversy," the opposition party criticized the president and the ruling party's representative for fighting emotions while the public groans in pain.

[Park Sung-joon / Deputy floor leader of the main opposition Minjoo Party: Only power struggles, political leadership, and self-esteem exist in the minds of President Yoon Suk Yeol and Representative Han Dong-hoon. Concern and concern for the people is just a rhetoric for media presentations.

I'm YTN's Lee Junyeop in the National Assembly.

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