The ruling party said, "Democrats should get rid of Lee Jae-myung's stigma by abolishing the financial investment tax."

2024.09.30. PM 1:24
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The ruling party members of the National Assembly's Strategy and Finance Committee urged the Democratic Party of Korea to get out of the stigma of "financial investment tax" by abolishing financial investment income tax as soon as possible.

Rep. Park Soo-young, the secretary of the ruling party of the committee, said at a press conference that the balance of individual high-value investors' accounts decreased by about 20 trillion won in the first half of this year alone.

He then stressed that the stock market is not a private property of the Democratic Party, saying that political shows that only produce controversy and enforce tax increases that the people reject should be stopped.

Lee Jae-myung, a "super ant" who is serious about stocks, also said he knows the side effects of the financial investment tax better than anyone else, pointing out that it is uncharacteristic of Lee, a 30-year stock master, to weigh political gains and losses with 14 million investors as hostage.

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