Lee Jae-myung who attended "The Perjury Teacher Resolution"..."Prosecution's coup d'etat".

2024.09.30. PM 2:40
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Lee Jae-myung, chairman of the Democratic Party of Korea, who was handed over to trial for teaching false testimony to trial witnesses, appealed for innocence, comparing the prosecution's indictment to a "coup of relatives."

Representative Lee attended his perjury teacher's trial decision held at the Seoul Central District Court this afternoon (30th) and said, "The prosecutors are creating a prosecutor dictatorship."

In addition, he stressed that the prosecution excluded it and fabricated the case and evidence to prosecute him even though he repeated the words to the witness several times to "tell me as I am."

When asked if he still thought it was a manipulation even though he played the entire record of the call in court, he responded furiously, saying, "You can find out if you listen to it without asking."

In December 2018, CEO Lee was put on trial on charges of calling Kim Jin-sung, the late former secretary for Seongnam Mayor Kim Byung-ryang, several times and demanding perjury in a trial related to the so-called "prosecutor impersonation case."

In response, CEO Lee denies the charges, saying he only asked him to testify as he remembered, and that the prosecution only drew up the advantage.

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