Lee Limjae, former chief of Yongsan, spent 3 years in the safe..."Disaster due to negligence in preparation".

2024.09.30. PM 3:19
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Lee Limjae, former chief of Yongsan, spent 3 years in the safe..."Disaster due to negligence in preparation".
Source: Yonhap News
Lee Im-jae, former head of Yongsan Police Station in Seoul, who was handed over to trial on charges of poor response to the Itaewon disaster, was sentenced to imprisonment in the first trial.

The Seoul Western District Court sentenced former Chief Lee, who was charged with professional negligence and death, to three years in prison today (30th).

The court explained the reason for the sentencing, saying that former Chief Lee had to mobilize human and material resources to come up with and take various measures, but neglected to prepare for the Itaewon festival due to complacent awareness, resulting in the terrible result of the Itaewon disaster.

However, he was acquitted of charges such as writing false official documents, exercising false official documents, and perjury.

At the same time, the court added that it is difficult to say that there is a risk of destroying evidence and that it does not cancel bail to protect its right to defend itself.

Song Byung-joo, former head of the 112 situation room at Yongsan Police Station, who was handed over to trial with former chief Lee, was sentenced to two years in prison.

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