Proposed rejection of the "Both Special Prosecutors Act, Local Currency Act"...President Yoon is likely to approve it soon.

2024.09.30. PM 4:09
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It contains eight suspicions, including the Special Prosecutor Kim's Act and stock price manipulation
Special Prosecutor Act on Chae Sang-byung, Investigation Subject to Investigation Suspicion of External Pressure
Local Currency Act Mandates Support for Local Love Gift Certificates
The deadline for President Yoon's veto is this Friday.
A request for reconsideration on three bills, including the Special Prosecutor's Act on First Lady Kim Gun-hee, the Special Prosecutor's Act on Chae Sang-byung, and the Local Currency Act, was approved at the Cabinet meeting.

Pointing out the unconstitutionality of the bills, Prime Minister Han Deok-soo stressed that the president's right to request reconsideration is a constitutional authority and obligation, and President Yoon is expected to approve it soon.

I'm reporter Lee Jong Won.

The government held a Cabinet meeting and voted on a request for reconsideration, or veto, on three bills, including the Kim Gun-hee Special Prosecutor Act, the Chae Sang-byung Special Prosecutor Act, and the Local Currency Act.

It has been 11 days since the National Assembly passed the plenary session led by the opposition party while the people's power was absent.The Special Prosecutor's Act on

Kim targets eight suspicions, including the Deutsche Motors stock price manipulation case, and the Special Prosecutor's Act on Chae's alleged external pressure on the investigation related to the death of a Marine soldier.

In addition, the Local Currency Act is a bill that mandates the state and local governments to support local love gift certificates.

Prime Minister Han Deok-soo, who presided over the Cabinet meeting, said the constitutional order is at stake due to the abuse of legislative power by the large opposition party, stressing that the president's veto power is a constitutional authority and an obligation against unconstitutional laws.

[Han Deok-soo / Prime Minister: There are growing concerns that the National Assembly, the hall of the people's will, is dividing the public opinion by putting only partisan interests ahead of representing the interests of the people]

Prime Minister Han also pointed out the unconstitutionality of the bills.

Regarding the two independent counsel bills, the opposition party unilaterally passed the bills, which had already been discarded, and transferred them to the government, adding to the constitutionality of the investigation.

He pointed out that the Local Currency Act not only undermines the foundation of local government autonomy, but also infringes on the government's right to budget and causes local governments to become rich and poor.

The deadline for President Yoon to veto the bills is this Friday, the 4th.

The president's office has already hinted at a veto policy, calling it an anti-constitutional and unconstitutional bill, so President Yoon is expected to approve it.If President Yun

approves all three bills, the number of bills that have been vetoed since taking office will increase to 24.

I'm YTN's Lee Jong Won.

Reporter for filming
: Ko Min-cheol
Video editing: Ma Young-hoo
Design: Lee Wonhee

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