"Night of Impeachment?" It's interpreted as accepting Lee Jae-myung and actively supporting him.

2024.09.30. PM 4:37
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[News FM Lee Ik-seon Choi Soo-young Issue & People]
□ Broadcast Date: 09/30/2024 (Mon)
□ Host: Lee Ik-seon, Choi Soo-young
□ Performers: Kim Ki-heung, former deputy spokesperson for the president's office, Choi Byung-cheon, head of the New Growth Economic Research Institute

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information.

◇Lee Ik-seon: Representative Lee Jae-myung held an exclusive interview with the general program for the first time since he took office last weekend. Here, Chairman Lee virtually confirmed the suspension of the implementation of the financial investment tax, but is the Democratic Party of Korea's postponement of the suspension of the financial investment tax last week confirming the party's theory?

★Choi Byung-cheon: I think it's actually highly likely to go that way. So, if you listen to the Democratic Party's story, the committee is usually abbreviated as the Strategy and Finance Committee. Members of the Committee were very motivated by this. The Democratic Party lawmakers know some of the history that has been going on, so the fact that they were members of the committee includes some experts in tax and other aspects. So I was motivated, but it was a little too much for Lee Jae-myung to do it all at once, despite his own sense of grip. Should I say that I did some coordination work? I think it's positive that the party has been active in policy discussions, but I think it's a good idea to form a team of pros and cons in a 3 to 3 way and have a public debate. There are some people who are opposed to it. No matter how strong his grip is, Chairman Lee Jae-myung had to go through this procedure. And as you said, for the first time since he took office, he has specifically selected a general program, and one of the main news of the interview was that he gave a signal once again, "A grace period for financial investment tax, I think so." In that sense, I went through such a procedure and so on, and Rep. Lee So-young is the representative of those who insist on postponing the financial investment tax, but their arguments have also worked convincingly within the party. Because of that, I am very likely to confirm it as a party argument. If you stay still, it will take effect on January 1st of next year, so you have to decide whether or not to do it. That's why I think I'm trying to wrap it up before going into the parliamentary audit.

◆Choi Soo-young: Is CEO Lee Jae-myung's comment close to confirmation and death?

★Choi Byung-cheon: It's not about killing someone rather than confirming it, so I'm just expressing my opinion.

◆Choi Soo-young: What do you think of Deputy Spokesperson Kim?

◈Kim Ki-heung: Actually, it will be what CEO Lee Jae-myung wants, but didn't you get a reverse reaction when you tried to make it look this good? Invest in the Inverse, invest in the downtrend, and that's where the parting actually happened. I started talking about the implementation. How can we talk about the implementation? After many twists and turns, if it is postponed, I think it would be right to abolish it instead of tasting it hot. The reason is that this keeps doing the logic of tax reduction for the rich, which is 1%. The benefit is 150,000 out of 14 million people, 1% of which is the money they have. So, isn't the number of people important in stocks, but how many stocks you have? They say it's 150 trillion won. Shouldn't this be a loan when these people leave the so-called Korean market? I have to invest a certain amount of money. Shouldn't I keep buying someone there? There is a problem with the physiology of stocks, and the other thing is that Korea is focused on real estate, as you know very well, right? If 70% of assets are in that case, in terms of the ladder of any opportunity to raise one's assets in the younger generation, stocks have a low entry barrier, so shouldn't it be predictable that there is a part that activates the stock market and the other policy? But postponement... If we do it at that time, we have no choice but to focus on short-term investment rather than long-term investment, so in that respect, we will be more confident and abolish it.

◆Choi Soo-young: What I told you a while ago was that let's abolish the financial investment tax altogether, so let's get rid of it altogether, so this is actually a killing. So, I wanted to ask you earlier if the Democratic Party is going to look at its own supporters even if it's a little out of the way for the middle.

★Choi Byung-cheon: Because I'm not killing anyone, I'm not killing anyone to expand the middle, so it was that kind of dimension. I think it's clear that you have a problem consciousness about mid-expansion. And the other thing was the comprehensive real estate tax that we talked about with the financial investment tax during the last party leader election. That's why CEO Lee Jae-myung said that the comprehensive real estate tax is not taking any action right now, but the comprehensive real estate tax is not an issue right now. Since the comprehensive real estate tax is usually an issue when prices rise sharply, and the Yoon Suk Yeol government lowered it a lot, but both are about taxes, and in fact, taxes are sensitive, whether they are comprehensive real estate taxes or financial investment taxes. Whether you do it or not. In that sense, should I say it's the politics of tax? So, why the Democratic Party of Korea lost in the last presidential election cannot be seen as one of the factors, but 0.7 percent is too close to lose, so it seems to me that the comprehensive real estate tax had an effect. And since there is even a problem consciousness about such things, it is common for the Democratic Party to judge with a little political and political judgment regardless of whether it is right or wrong even in the financial investment tax. And I don't wash my face that much. It's relatively 1.5 trillion won. That's why we can collect the financial investment tax with 1.5 trillion won and 14 million stock investors now, so while the actual tax revenue effect is small, the emotional backlash effect is quite large, so I think it can be seen as focusing more on political judgment than on what policy is right or wrong. In my view, abolition makes 50 million won or so from stock investment, but I can actively agree with our activation of stocks here. The argument that we should not collect taxes at all despite various tax benefits is a bit excessive, and in my view, lawmaker Jung Sung-ho said that in his role as a member of the committee, he made a little bit of a roadblock. I don't think he would have said it with the intention of arguing with the party's theory.

◇ Profit line: The problem is that if we postpone it, it will be a presidential election in two years.

★ Choi Byung-cheon: It's maintained once more. Politicians say that for people in Yeouido, this means that it will take effect on January 1, 2025. If it's January 1st, 2027, it's almost unanimous that it's automatic deferral.

◈Kim Ki-heung: No, so I think it's right to abolish it, which seems obvious, and I think it's good for Representative Lee Jae-myung to have that dream of becoming president. But everything is ideological and the ideology mentioned here is philosophical. There should be some consistent thoughts on an issue, but as our director said, isn't there a backlash from those in the middle enough to call the comprehensive real estate tax a promotion of regime change? So I'm interested in this part. But on the other hand, because there are things about his supporters, he tries to hold both rice cakes in both hands, so the virtue of a leader is that he can part his hair and take full responsibility for it, but if he keeps postponing it, he will be suspended from becoming president.

★Choi Byung-cheon: One of the people who actively promoted the financial investment tax was done by floor leader Choo Kyung-ho when he was deputy prime minister for economy. You can just deliver what you just said to CEO Choo Kyung-ho. It's a bill that he was pushing for. It's not a bill that he abolished, but a bill that he insisted on passing us through.

◇Lee Ik-seon: I visited a securities company last week to sign up for a pension product, and they recommended stocks there, but they told me to buy overseas stocks. Why? Then domestic stocks are in a mood where people are pulling out.

★Choi Byung-cheon: There is still an expression that says "escape from the bureau is intelligent." Escape from the director general is a matter of intelligence, which I think is why we have become the Korea discount, but I think the government has not set up any countermeasures at all and is focusing its energy on the wrong things.

◇ Proficiency line: I see. Let's move on. Controversy is growing as an event to argue for the impeachment of President Yoon Suk Yeol was held at the National Assembly under the arrangement of the Democratic Party of Korea lawmakers. It is an event called "Impeachment Night" hosted by civil society, and Rep. Kang Deuk-gu of the Democratic Party helped rent the place. Did you hear about this event? Director Choi?

★Choi Byung-cheon: I saw it as an article.

◇Lee Ik-seon: Passport is said to be unconstitutional and illegal.

★Choi Byung-cheon: We need to think first whether impeaching President Park Geun Hye was unconstitutional or constitutional. The impeachment of President Park Geun Hye of state affairs at the time was done according to the procedures stipulated in the Constitution. So, the people's power are exercising this as unconstitutional because they live in Andromeda, and the Constitutional Court decided it by the Constitution at that time. In a unanimous vote, Lee Jung-mi, the acting chief justice of the Constitutional Court, impeached President Park Geun Hye, but it is strange to argue that as soon as Korea is impeached from a democratic country to a democratic country, and it is strange to say that it is anti-constitutional. Since this procedure is originally a constitutional procedure, we are arguing that we should impeach it according to the constitutional procedure regardless of whether we agree with the arguments of those who claim it or not. What prevents this itself is rather a totalitarian way of thinking, which is completely different from the spirit guaranteed by the Korean Constitution.

◇ Profit line: Not on the street.

◆Choi Soo-young: So, it's a place where the National Assembly is entrusted with the public welfare scene as a representative agency, and the people point out whether it's right for a member of the National Assembly to rent a story that can be said outside the office.

◈Kim Ki-heung: I actually think the Democratic Party should be a little honest. In fact, I say it's Han's personal opinion now, but I think representative Lee Jae-myung is tolerating and actively supporting it, but I can impeach him if he did something wrong. But I think we should formally raise the issue and take it to the Constitutional Court instead of hitting the military fire. So you can take political responsibility when you are judged and dismissed. But I impeached many times before the president's impeachment, but nothing was tolerated, right? In the Yoon Suk Yeol government, so in the end, it's a political offensive, and to put it simply, it's like this. Representative Lee Jae-myung took over the party. Then we have to go to the middle. But I can't go halfway. Because there is a sense of crisis that you can be dragged in because of judicial risk. Since you're being chased by the ghost of time, you're faced with the idea that you have to pull it down in order to live. I feel sorry for the Democratic Party, which has fallen into the receipt of a captured bulletproof party for one person, even though it is a matter of survival, and political consumption is too high. I've only talked about impeachment, but don't you talk about martial law and throw anything? I can talk about impeachment. If so, you have to say that you did something wrong with grounds, but didn't you have an unusual impeachment petition hearing for the first time during the impeachment? Who would be convinced of the factor of impeachment at that time? And I have impeachment DNA. Since the Democratic Party of Korea has experienced impeachment, it seems that it is not a check function for normal state administration, but it is necessary to hold the ankle and break the ankle and resign the president. Why do you think such extreme things? I feel a little sorry for the situation that the party leader has no choice but to go like that because he is Chairman Lee Jae-myung.

◇Lee Ik-seon: According to Director Choi earlier, it can happen, and there is no problem. But right now, some members of the Democratic Party's leadership party appeared to draw the line that this was an individual action. Meanwhile, Chairman Cho Kuk is pressing the main opposition Democratic Party this morning to make a decision to impeach him. Isn't this a bit off the charts?

★Choi Byung-cheon: No, it's not offbeat, there are 172 Democratic lawmakers. And isn't it rather strange that there are 12 lawmakers in the Cho Kuk Innovation Party, and 172 plus 12 should all think the same? If there are 180 people, some of them may argue for impeachment, but the party leadership is rather understandable in saying that we are not like that and that we are off the charts.

◈Kim Ki-heung: But it's a little hard for me to agree with that, actually, it was October 2022 when Democrats talked about impeachment. Has it been five months since the presidential administration changed? I did it at an in-house rally when it didn't even work. Not a few lawmakers have spoken. I was proud. And I told you. I also held an impeachment petition hearing, and recently, they said it was an impeachment regiment. The minority party and then the Cho Kuk Innovation Party, some of the Democratic Party are continuing after all. It's a kind of division of roles, and I think it's right to prosecute it like representative Cho Kuk and then take some political responsibility for it.

◆Choi Soo-young: But wouldn't this sharpness competition have a little impact today ahead of the October by-elections? In that by-elections area?

★Choi Byung-cheon: If I exaggerate it a little, I don't think it will affect me at all.

◆Choi Soo-young: I won't give you this. Look at it like that. Did you cut it?

★Choi Byung-cheon: Yes, because it's not that we have a big political conflict, but I think Vice Minister Kim wants something like that at the party leadership level, but please impeach the Democratic Party. However, the Democratic Party said it would throw anything, but in fact, the public is much more disappointed in the president and the power of the people regardless of the Democratic Party of Korea. So that's what some Democrats are doing because this is not something that party leaders are pushing for much more now. Since the party leadership has never officially announced that it will push for this, and what runs through the impeachment of President Roh Moo Hyun and the impeachment of President Park Geun Hye in modern Korean history is that when about 80 percent of the people agree, about 70 to 80 percent agree. It should be considered that almost no one, including the Democratic Party of Korea official in Yeouido, knows that. However, people who are not part of the leadership should be viewed as doing it from a personal perspective.

◇Lee Ik-seon: Finally, we should take a brief look at the situation of the ruling party. Choo Kyung-ho, floor leader of the People's Power Party, reportedly raised the issue with Han Dong-hoon, representative of the party, in connection with the remarks made on Shin Ji-ho's personal YouTube. It is interpreted that a pro-Yoon-friendly conflict erupted between Vice-President Shin Ji-ho and floor leader Choo Kyung-ho, also known as pro-Yoon-gye.

◈Kim Ki-heung: I'm a little shy when I see something like this. It's embarrassing and frustrating because we're like this, so the opposition party is talking about impeachment without grounds and endlessly. If we had done better, the Democratic Party of Korea and the Cho Kuk Innovation Party would not have won as many seats as representative Lee Jae-myung in the last election. The ruling party is more likely to be hit even if it is equally wrong and equally insufficient. He's the president. I think we should be humble in front of the people. That's how I am. So, I'm not denigrating reporters because I'm a reporter, but when reporters write articles, I know who to talk to and make strong remarks. If so, you have to think about how the article will be interpreted and accepted. I'm not free right now. The people are looking at it and the opposition party is now making such an offensive, so the people should stop it. In order to do that, we need to get it together and I think someone did something wrong. Well done. It's not important. If you're a politician in a better position than us, you should be humble and careful when it comes to your words and actions.

◆Choi Soo-young: As a result, the Presidential Special Committee on Medical Reform recently announced that it would promote a medical estimation organization, so the medical estimation organization, "Isn't this Han Dong-hoon passing?" In this situation, the government's policy is being interpreted like this. How do you see it in this situation?

★Choi Byung-cheon: If we connect it with what we mentioned earlier, it is an expression of some people after floor leader Choo Kyung-ho and representative Han Dong-hoon, but they described it as an "ugly conflict." In fact, there are conflicts and disagreements in politics, but I think there are positive conflicts and negative conflicts. Now, as spokesman Kim said earlier, there is a huge negative conflict. Then, former lawmaker Shin Ji-ho said he wanted to slap him on the cheek, but one of the most obvious ways to ruin his side is to cause a rumor. So I think the best way to destroy his side of the party is to think that he is too much because he just talked about it, but I think that former lawmaker Shin Ji-ho is working hard on it. And now, I think he might be one of the people who want representative Han Dong-hoon to do something well, because doing well, whether it is the ruling party or the opposition party, is meaningful, but what politician Han Dong-hoon is doing right now seems to want to become an "an commentator Han Dong-hoon." On the one hand, politics is the most important thing to achieve good results. I don't think the purpose of politics is to say the right things and say what you want to say. Since there are many people like Jin Jung-kwon and others to do that, I think it was a legitimate request to ask for a private meeting, but this is what President Yoon Suk Yeol said he didn't want to receive. It's a narrow-minded act, but if I said I wouldn't accept it, what should I say? If you force someone who doesn't want to accept it like this, the relationship gets worse and people are like this, so I think it's time to repeat something and take a breath.

◇ Proficiency line: I see. Monday's issue has been with Kim Ki-heung, a former deputy spokesman for the president's office, and Choi Byung-cheon, head of the New Growth Economic Research Institute. Thank you. Thank you very much.

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