The Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommended again that "Koreans staying in Lebanon and Israel leave the country as soon as possible."

2024.09.30. PM 9:13
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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has again strongly recommended that South Koreans staying in Lebanon and Israel leave the country as soon as possible through the currently available flights and ships.

Kang In-sun, the second vice foreign minister, said at a meeting of overseas national protection agencies today (30th) that the situation in the Middle East is very unstable after the death of Hezbollah head Hassan Nasrallah.

Vice Minister Kang urged Lebanon to inspect the evacuation plan for Koreans in case of emergency and make all-out efforts to ensure the safety of overseas Koreans in the Middle East through close cooperation between headquarters, diplomatic missions, and related ministries.

As of yesterday (29th), there were about 140 and 480 Koreans staying in Lebanon and Israel, respectively.

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