Today is the 76th anniversary of Armed Forces Day.Commemorative Ceremony and City March

2024.10.01. AM 00:09
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The Armed Forces Day celebration, which marks the 76th anniversary of the founding of the armed forces, will be held today (1st) under the theme of "Strong Armed Forces, Together with the People!"

Organized by the Ministry of National Defense, the ceremony will be held at Seoul Airport at 10 a.m., and in the afternoon, a city parade showing the national defense power of the "strong armed forces" will be held from Sungnyemun to Gwanghwamun.

In particular, the high-powered ballistic missile Hyunmoo-5, which has never been revealed, will be revealed, and if there are no weather variables, the US Air Force's supersonic strategic bomber B-1B Lancer is also expected to be revealed.

In addition, the plan is to show "defense with the people" as a program in which the people feel strong national defense.

In addition, on the occasion of Armed Forces Day, the South Korean military's strategic command, which integrates and operates South Korea-U.S. nuclear and conventional strategies with the main mission of deterring and responding to North Korea's nuclear and weapons of mass destruction, will be officially launched.

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