The ruling party's strong opposition to the impeachment rally and event..."The main body is the Democratic Party."

2024.10.01. AM 00:15
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Recently, the aftershocks of the event to urge the impeachment of President Yoon Suk Yeol at the National Assembly have continued with the arrangement of the Democratic Party of Korea lawmakers.

The Democratic Party of Korea again distanced itself that it was not a party-level affair, but strongly protested, saying that the power of the people is the main body of the Democratic Party.

Reporter Lim Sung-jae's report.

The National Assembly Environment and Labor Committee held to discuss the adoption of witnesses and references for the parliamentary audit.

The controversy over the untimely "Impeachment Night" event sparked a war of words between the ruling and opposition parties.

Members of the ruling party publicly criticized Kang Deuk-gu of the Democratic Party of Korea for arranging a rental for the event to be held at the National Assembly on the 27th of last month.

[Kim Wi-sang / People's Power: Discussing impeachment night and doing this is like a crazy night game. Don't you lose face as a lawmaker?]

On the other hand, Representative Kang said that the National Assembly is a place that contains various thoughts, and the ruling party was asked to look back on itself before criticizing the events according to laws and principles.

[Kang Deuk-gu / Democratic Party member: It's up to the people to judge, but aren't the current members of the National People's Power, who led and agreed to impeach former President Park Geun Hye, anti-constitutional forces?]

The war of nerves between the ruling and opposition parties was also the same outside the conference hall of the Global Labor Relations Commission.

In the end, the people's power established the 'Democratic Party' as the body of anti-constitutional presidential resignation instigation based on 'disobjection of the presidential election'.

In particular, the event group said that they had committed "popular terrorist acts" in downtown Seoul over the weekend, setting off smoke bombs and instilling a sense of fear.

[Han Dong-hoon / Representative of the People's Power] This group held that kind of event right here in the National Assembly as well. I am appalled that the National Assembly has tolerated the event.]

The Democratic Party, however, repeatedly drew the line that it was only the actions of individual lawmakers and not at the party level.

However, he also covered Kang, saying that the ruling party's strong demand for expulsion is excessive.

[Cho Seung-rae / Minjoo Party's chief spokesman: I'm telling you that it was done by myself. / I think it's a little too much to ask for expulsion because of that.

Apart from the Democratic Party's "drawing a line," there are many analyses in the political circle that the opposition party is gradually raising the level of impeachment of the president.

Some say it is a similar trend to the time when former President Park Geun Hye was impeached eight years ago, and tensions within the ruling party are rising over the "October crisis" that has emerged ahead of the re-decision of the Special Prosecutor's Act.

I'm YTN's Lim Sungjae.

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