The unveiling ceremony of the copper plate of the Korean Empire building in the United States...Ambassador to the U.S. "Symbol of Korean-American Friendship"

2024.10.01. AM 02:41
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A copper plate unveiling ceremony was held to commemorate the official listing of the Korean Empire's legation in the U.S., a trace of the Korean Empire's independent diplomatic efforts.

Cho Hyun-dong, Ambassador to the United States, and Charles Sams, Director of the National Park Service, attended the unveiling ceremony in front of the former Korean Empire building in Washington, DC.

Ambassador Cho said in his greeting, "Although we celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Korea-U.S. alliance last year, the diplomatic relationship between the two countries dates back to the signing of the Korea-U.S. Treaty of 1882," adding, "The diplomatic relationship between the two countries is a symbol of the lasting friendship between Korea and the United States."

In his congratulatory speech, Commissioner Sams said the building has witnessed major events in the Korea-U.S. relationship and is used as a place for visitors to learn its history, adding that it is highly worth being listed as a U.S. National Register of Historic Places.

The Korean Embassy, located 1.5 kilometers from the White House in the U.S., was recognized for its historical value when it was officially designated as a U.S. national historic site last month.

This is the first time that a place owned by the Korean government and the center of Korean history has been listed as a national historic site in the United States.

The construction building has been used as a U.S. mission since 1889, after Park Jeong-yang, the first U.S. power corporation, was corresponded to the U.S.

It was Joseon's diplomatic activity space for 16 years until 1905, when it lost its diplomatic power due to Japan-Korea Treaty of 1905, but then the Japanese bought the building for $5 and sold it.

The Korean government bought the construction building in 2012, underwent renovation and restoration work, and opened and operated as a history exhibition hall in May 2018.

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