Israel-Hezbollah Ground War Countdown?...U.S. "Limited Operation Notification"

2024.10.01. AM 05:47
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Amid a flash crisis between Israel and Hezbollah, the international community is calling for an immediate ceasefire.

The U.S. seems to be evolving the possibility of an all-out war, saying Israel has informed Hezbollah of its "limited operations" targeting its terrorist infrastructure.

Reporter Lee Kyung-ah reports.

U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller reminded us in October last year that Hezbollah has continued to attack Israel since the Gaza war.

He then stressed that Israel recognizes the right to attack Hezbollah to defend itself, but hopes for a diplomatic solution.

Regarding the possibility of a major ground war, he said, "I heard it was a limited operation."

[Marsh Miller / U.S. State Department spokesman] We've had talks with Israel about it. They told us to date that it was a limited operation focused on Hezbollah infrastructure near the border.]

U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken and British Foreign Minister David Lammy have also repeatedly called for an immediate cease-fire between Israel and Hezbollah in telephone talks.

After an emergency video conference with foreign ministers from 27 countries, the European Union warned that any additional military action could sharply worsen the situation.

[Joseph Borrell/ High Representative for European Union Foreign and Security Policy] It is time for arms to remain silent and for diplomacy to step up. The sovereignty of both Israel and Lebanon must be guaranteed]

But the Arab League has called for solidarity with Lebanon against Israeli aggression.

Israel's attack is a clear violation of its sovereignty.

[Resef Tayyip Erdogan / President of Turkiye] The biggest response to the oppressed Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and Lebanon should come from Muslim countries. As Muslims, we must lead the world to stop oppression and reach out to the oppressed.]

Germany, Israel's closest ally, defended Israel by saying it was exercising its right to self-defense over the assassination of the Hezbollah chief.

I'm YTN Lee Kyungah.

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