Hezbollah "Captures Israeli troops crossing Lebanon border"

2024.10.01. AM 06:33
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Lebanese militant Hezbollah says it has captured Israeli military movements across the Lebanese border town.

Hezbollah issued a statement claiming that Lebanese militias attacked these Israeli forces, according to Reuters and other sources.

The move comes amid an analysis that Israel has entered the ground war stage in Lebanon with a Hezbollah wipeout.

Earlier in the day, Israeli media outlet Yinet reported that the Israeli security cabinet had approved the "next phase" of Lebanon's military operation and was continuing small meetings.

Reuters and others said several strong binge drinking had been heard since Israeli forces issued evacuation warnings to some villages south of Beirut, Lebanon.

Earlier, Israeli forces declared the town near Lebanon's northern border as a military restriction zone and blocked it.

Foreign media also reported that it fired heavily at southern Lebanon.

"What they have informed us is that they are currently conducting limited operations targeting Hezbollah infrastructure near the border," U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said at a briefing.

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