"Put Baduk eggs in the door." A victim of a bizarre school violence killed the perpetrator.

2024.10.11. PM 4:35
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■ Broadcasting: FM 94.5 (06:40~06:55, 12:40~12:55, 19:40~19:55)
■ Broadcast Date: October 11, 2024 (Fri)
■ Host: Lawyer Lee Won-hwa
■ Dialogue: Attorney Lee Seo-yeon

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information.

◇ Lawyer Lee Won-hwa (hereinafter referred to as Lee Won-hwa): It's a drama that's been buzzing in Korea for a while. The Glory starring Song Hye-kyo. I'm sure many people will remember it. It was based on school violence, and it was about a student who was a victim in school who visited the perpetrators at the time after becoming an adult and staged a desperate revenge. Since then, interest in the seriousness of school violence has also increased, but what about now, after a year and six months? Is there anything better than then? Mr. A, who turned 19 this year, was a victim of school violence. Mr. B, who is an alumnus of Mr. A, is known to have committed bizarre harsh acts to Mr. A that were close to exterminating his character. A, who could no longer tolerate the harsh act, eventually wielded a weapon, and A, who was the victim of the school violence, became the victim of the murder, while B, who was the perpetrator of the school violence, became the victim of the murder. How should we look at the issue of school violence, which is so tragic that there is no time to forget about this incident? Let's start the X file of the case right now. Hello, I'm Lee Won-hwa, the case X file of lawyer Lee Won-hwa. Today, we are also with lawyer Lee Seo-yeon of Law Firm Roel. Welcome, lawyer.

◆ Lawyer Lee Seo-yeon (hereinafter referred to as Lee Seo-yeon): Hello, I'm lawyer Lee Seo-yeon of Law Firm.

◇ Lee Won-hwa: As you know better from counseling, interviewing, and proceeding with the case, there are a lot of school violence cases these days.

◆ Yes, there are so many incidents of school violence these days. According to data from the National Police Agency, the number of school violence reports nationwide rose sharply by more than 72% in three years, from 33,524 in 2022 to 57,788 in 2023.

◇ Dualization: I'm not sure if this is actually an increase in the number of school violence or if it's because there are a lot of students who are actively reporting, but I think it's a shocking number anyway.

◆ [Lee Seo-yeon] Yes, that's right.

◇ Dualization: There aren't many cases where you feel sympathy for the perpetrator of the case you're going to look at today, but I think this case is a particularly sad case.

◆ Lee Seo-yeon: Yes, today's case is a case in which Gangneung Jiwon of Chuncheon District Court sentenced 19-year-old A charged with murder on September 19, 2024, to a short three-year prison term of five years. A was put on trial for stabbing and killing his middle school classmate B in the early morning of April 14, 2024. However, during the investigation and trial of this case, it was revealed that B's serious harassment and school violence were behind A's extreme choice.

◇ Lee Won-hwa: So A, who was a victim of a school violence, was put on trial on charges of killing B, who was the perpetrator of the school violence, so what kind of school violence did A suffer?

◆ Lee Seo-yeon: Yes, A and B were middle school classmates. B and his friends continued to harass A, and even after graduation, they assaulted him for no reason when they met on the street. The day before this incident, B came to A's house with his friend C, and he received water in a pot and sprayed it into the living room and room because the house was dirty, and forced A to wipe the water. In addition, B cut A's hair with disposable razors and scissors, and even performed sadistic acts such as supporting A's genitals, conspiracies, hair, ears, and eyebrows with a lighter.

◇ [Voiceover] It's been so horrible, so bizarre that it's literally hard to put into your mouth.

◆ Lee Seo-yeon: Yes, Mr. B's shocking behavior didn't stop there. B forced A to take off his clothes and put cotton swabs and baduk eggs in his anus because it was not enough to make him take off his clothes and do self-defense. When A hesitated, he hit him with a broom and a dustpan, and all of these actions were filmed on C's cell phone and shared with other students.

◇ Did you even film your crime?

◆ [Lee Seo-yeon] The abuse continued into the dawn. In the process, it was found that B and C continued to harass A by forcibly pouring soju into his mouth.

◇ Dualization: I don't think gang members would do this, but A must have had an intellectual disability.

◆ Lee Seo-yeon: At that time, group A was diagnosed with severe intellectual disabilities, attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder, etc. and was taking neuropsychiatric prescription drugs. In this state, A, who had been bullied for a long time, was unable to endure extreme stress and fear and stabbed B with a weapon in the kitchen while B went to pick up things in the next room.

◇ Binaryization: Group A had an intellectual disability. You've said this, but it's very unfortunate what if A asked for help with the law or appealed to adults.

◆ Lee Seo-yeon: I also feel sorry that if A had been helped by the law as a victim of school violence, he wouldn't have had to make an extreme choice to kill B. Students affected by school violence can file a criminal complaint with the police or prosecution for criminal punishment of the perpetrators separately from the School Violence Countermeasures Committee. In this case, an investigation and trial will be conducted against the perpetrator, and juvenile protection or criminal punishment will be imposed depending on the severity of the case. In the case of juvenile protection disposition, there is typically an admission to a juvenile center that you know well. If you are subject to criminal punishment, you will have a criminal record.

◇ Lee Won-hwa: I know that the trial was recently held in this case, but how did it go?

◆ Lee Seo-yeon: Yes, the prosecution charged Mr. A with murder and demanded a long term of 12 years in prison and a short term of 6 years. Meanwhile, A claimed in court that he had no intention of murder by drinking a large amount of alcohol at the victim's coercion on the day of the incident while being diagnosed with intellectual disability and excessive behavioral disorder.

◇ Dualization: I was in a state of weakness. I didn't mean to. Or the responsibility should be limited. I think I made this argument, but did the court accept this?

◆ Lee Seo-yeon: The court did not accept Mr. A's claim of mental and physical weakness. It was considered that A was intentional in murder, citing the fact that he/she felt like killing the victim while being severely bullied on the day of the incident or that he/she thought he/she should continue to stab the victim while being bullied. Given that A remembered the details of the incident in detail, it was determined that he did not lose his ability to discriminate and control his actions.

◇ Dualization: Recognized both intentionality and responsibility.

◆ Lee Seo-yeon: The court also considered the aggravating reasons for the fact that A made a criminal deposit but was not forgiven, such as the victim's bereaved family refusing to receive the deposit, and that the victim's father was pleading for severe punishment against A. Nevertheless, the court sentenced A to a long five-year term and a short three-year term, combining the fact that A continued to be bullied by the victim and committed violence and harsh acts that led to the destruction of his character beyond simply bullying him on the day of the incident.

◇ Dualization: Short-term and long-term terms were mentioned earlier, but this is because A is a minor and is subject to juvenile law.

◆ [Lee Seo-yeon] Yes, that's right. For minors, the sentence is divided into long-term and short-term, and the specific duration of the course is determined by the degree of edification. And didn't you tell me that there were other students who were also harassing Mr. B who died?

◇ [Won-hwa] Those students are missing the subject. Come to think of it, the students in question must have been put on trial, but in the case of A who murdered this classmate, he will stand as a victim again in the trial. at the trial

◆ [Lee Seo-yeon] Yes, that's right. In the case of C, who participated in bullying A, he was handed over to trial on charges of special assault and is facing sentencing on October 17. The prosecution has asked C to give him nine years in prison.

◇ [Dualization] It's a very high sphere. Compared to the crime, it seems to be a case with a lot of emotions, but from the lawyer's point of view, it is a program that deals with our law to reduce the damage caused by school violence. While running on the field, I thought that the law needed to be revised. You don't have any?

◆ Lee Seo-yeon: School violence used to be centered on physical or verbal violence offline, but nowadays cyber school violence is often overlapping, such as synthesizing and distributing photos using deepfake technology and posting a lot of meaningless comments on the social media of victims. As the types of cyber school violence are diversified and bullying is becoming more sophisticated, the damage is expected to increase further. There seems to be a need to analyze these new types of cyber school violence and come up with appropriate measures.

◇ Binaryization: Speaking of cyber school violence, there is a case that suddenly reminds me of, and it was a very unusual case I did. They're teasing me. These days, I post it somewhere and beyond this level. You know, it's wooden wiki, right?

◆ Yes, I know.

◇ Dualization: There was even an act of supplementing the contents of the victim on a wooden wiki, posting pictures and writing nicknames. There was also an incident like that. And I think celebrity school is a constant issue. I've been talking a lot lately.

◆ [Lee Seo-yeon] Yes, that's right. Suspicions were raised that the actor who appeared in The Glory, a drama about school violence, was the actual perpetrator of the school violence, which was also controversial. Recently, a famous YouTuber was criticized for posting a video of him traveling with a celebrity who was suspected of committing school violence.

◇ Lee Won-hwa: I recently saw the really absurd news that a student who was a school violence perpetrator sent a invitation to the victim after he became a police officer. Why on earth did I do that?

◆ Lee Seo-yeon: Yes, it's actually a behavior that's hard to understand in common sense. The case you mentioned is a case in which a perpetrator of school violence became a police officer 17 years ago and sent a invitation to a victim of school violence. According to the author of the post, the perpetrator is the one who ordered the author to do so-called breadshuttle and committed inhumane school violence.

◇ So I think this person must have been very shocked by this invitation, how did he feel?

◆ Lee Seo-yeon: The author said that she was living well after graduating from middle school, but she was very unpleasant and confused when the perpetrator suddenly invited her to the wedding and remembered those days again. The author also tried to ignore the wedding invitation and saw the perpetrator send another message asking why he was ignoring it.

◇ [Dualization] It's not a mistake. Then?

◆ Lee Seo-yeon: It was intentional. He came to think that if he did not shock the perpetrator, he could use his police position to inflict violence on others in the future. In response, the author said he informed the bride of the school violence with her contact information on the wedding invitation.

◇ Dualization: If school violence is true, we should investigate and punish it now. You should not let the police. Take disciplinary action. There was a lot of public opinion, but this seems to be difficult legally.

◆ [Lee Seo-yeon] Yes, that's right. The school violence incident occurred 17 years ago. This incident occurred before the perpetrator became a police officer, making it difficult to remove his position or take disciplinary action because the National Public Officials Act is not applied. In addition, it is difficult to hold criminal responsibility because the statute of limitations for assault and injury has already passed. In addition, as a man claiming school violence posted a message that could specify the name and personal information of the police officer, there is a possibility that the victim of school violence will be punished for defamation. The police officer is also in a position to hold him accountable after legal action.

◇ Lee Won-hwa: Case X File Today, we looked at the murder of a teenager who killed a classmate who used to be a bizarre harsh act against him and became a defendant from a school violence victim. For whatever reason, murder is the worst crime that should never happen.However, it seems that this case is by no means that simple. The defendant's father did something wrong, and the sentence will be set accordingly, but he said he felt upset thinking about his son's school violence. I think it's an event that makes my heart heavier than any other case. That's all we've prepared. You all deserve to be defended. Incident X file, thank you everyone.

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