"I impeached Schopenhauer and sued him".

2025.01.06. PM 1:32
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[News FM Lee Ik-seon Choi Soo-young Issue & People]

□ Broadcast date and time: January 6, 2025 (Mon)
□ Host: Lee Ik-seon, Choi Soo-young
□ Cast: Singer-painter Cho Young-nam

<Singer Cho Young-nam>

- "I impeached and sued Schopenhauer, the current trend." Show Senior's charm that also fascinated Cho Young-nam, who is "unlucky to the world,"
- Schopenhauer's writing style, halfway between writer Han Kang and Shakespeare.Commended Goethe, Tolstoy and Wagner of the day
- Schopenhauer 'Humans are countless desires'...My most unbreakable desire is 'How can I increase my girlfriend even more without losing it'
- "Live as you are now towards your best.."Live long instead"

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information.

◇ Lee Ik-sun: Let's have a cup of tea after lunch. Issue & People's Small Drawing Room <Salon de Sangam> 2025 New Year's Special 'Talking Philosophy' When you can't afford to look into yourself, when you're wandering around without a clue... Philosophers' insights also help you govern the crisis. Today and tomorrow in Salon de Sangam, let's consider life through philosophy. The first hour is with someone who reflects on life based on Schopenhauer's thoughts. We have Cho Young-nam, a singer, painter, and writer who returned with the new book Schopenhauer Plus. Welcome.

◆ Choi Soo-young: Welcome. We welcome you with great enthusiasm.

◇ Interest Line: Welcome. Happy New Year. You promised to come back when the new book came out, did you keep that promise?

★ Singer and painter Cho Young-nam (hereinafter Cho Young-nam): Did you? Is it September?

◇ Lee Ik-seon: You don't remember that right now?

★ Cho Young-nam: Get older. Get older.

◆ Choi Soo-young : The new book Schopenhauer Plus is the talk of the town. There are many philosophers and thinkers who are familiar to the public, such as Nietzsche, Descartes, Kant, and Kirkegaard, and I really wonder why you chose Schopenhauer.

★ Cho Young-nam: It's not my choice, but one day, the president of Munhak World History, which made my book, JoongAng Ilbo, into a book, called me and asked me to write Cho Young-nam's autobiography with a writer from a publishing company. Even if I think about the answer, it's terrible. I don't think I'd be comfortable publishing my autobiography even though I'm alive. So I hesitated and that morning, there was talk about the article. I asked the publishing world that Schopenhauer is the trend. I asked the boss if he was a big hit, and he said yes. So I'll find out then. Because I was so surprised that Schopenhauer is the trend. No, that's what Nietzsche is like. Nietzsche understands, but Schopenhauer is a very distant person. To me. It was incredible to find out. Schopenhauer was popular.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: Then Schopenhauer is a pessimism, a tragic worldview, don't you say these things? What is Schopenhauer's worldview in your opinion, Cho Young-nam?

★ Cho Young-nam: So life in the world. There is no philosopher who has told us in such detail about how we live from birth to death. No matter how much I look for the book, there's a general part. But how can this person enjoy music, art, and things like that? There's nothing I didn't touch.

◆ Choi Soo-young: You're the prince of details. In a word.

★ Cho Young-nam: That's right.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: So can Schopenhauer be interpreted as being a trend because those detailed stories satisfy people's needs?

★ Cho Young-nam: You can interpret it that way.

◆ Choi Soo-young: Then you look similar to Cho Young-nam. If it's music, it's music, if it's art, if it's writing, if it's writing, it's thought.

★ Cho Young-nam: I read eight books. I bought eight copies at first. including Schopenhauer, who reads at forty. I bought eight or nine and read them, and all the contents of my life were written as they were. I wish I lived like this. That's what I'm going to do. I wrote down in detail what happens between life and death.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: What if Schopenhauer encounters Cho Young-nam while alive?

★ Cho Young-nam: You must have been very close.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: I think so. Looking at what you're saying right now.

★ Cho Young-nam: I got closer to Nam-jun Baek from the moment I met him. A world-class scholar. Even in Japan, Nam June Paik doesn't come out like that. We'll brag about it. Even in China. There will be no such person in the future, and there will be no such person in the past. It's an excellent thing about art. Our country is such a unique people.

◆ Choi Soo-young: Genius recognizes geniuses.

★ Cho Young-nam: Am I unlucky in the world?

◇ Lee Ik-seon: Let's go in a little bit more. Why do you think Schopenhauer, a 19th-century philosopher, fascinated us living in modern times? To the point where the publisher picked it up and asked me to do it like this.

★ Cho Young-nam: I asked that question, so I have to answer it. The most outstanding thing is Schopenhauer's writing ability. It's incredible. The writing skill. Kant writes difficult stories about criticism of the opposite sex. But this guy uses difficult philosophical terms in the world as a will and representation. And other than that, I wrote it in an easy way to explain this, but the sentence is so excellent that I think it's about the Han River and the middle of Shakespeare. That's why Goethe praised it. Tolstoy complimented me, too. Musician Wagner also praised it. All the great scholars of humanity. Nietzsche is right there.

◆ Choi Soo-young: So, that kind of writing, that kind of writing ability is called 'Cheonmyeobong'. It means sewing with no trace of sewn clothes.

★ Cho Young-nam: It's hard for me to say. You must have read a translation book. I don't know German. But how can that translation alone be so expressive in the world? The old man is one of the many stars in the sky. This sentence cannot be anywhere. The expressive power that even Shakespeare can't imagine, it's amazing.

◆ Choi Soo-young: It's outstanding. But I heard that the way the story was told is unique, but I heard that the book took the way of conversation.

★Cho Young-nam: Unlike other books, 100% of the other books have been interpreted and mixed with experiences of borrowing them from other books, but I put 100% of the sentences myself and wrote what I thought, 100% of my experience, everything like that. That's why books sell well.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: When it comes to dialogues, wouldn't you have imagined Schopenhauer's answer?

★ Cho Young-nam: That's right. If Schopenhauer says life is pain, why am I suffering again this time?

◇ Lee Ik-seon: What did you call it? About Schopenhauer.

★ Cho Young-nam: Senior. a senior member of the show I am Jopenhauer from South Korea.

◇ Profitship: Yes. In the book, you expressed life as "half pain, half joy, half sadness, half joy, half solitude, half solitude," but if you add and subtract, it eventually converges to zero.

★ Cho Young-nam: That's what Jopenhauer means. I'm protesting against Schopenhauer. Why are you so far left or far right? They say that. In Jopenhauer's opinion, when there is pain, there is also joy. It is Jopenhauer's opinion that there is not only the pain of a given life, but as much joy as there is pain, there is also joy as weight. Brother, I'm not good at thinking about that.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: Did you even argue?

★ Cho Young-nam: Of course. I'm going to impeach him and sue him. in the book

◇ Lee Ik-seon: So what does the show argue against?

★ Cho Young-nam: I can't argue. I'll do it unilaterally.

◆ Choi Soo-young: If there's an action, there's a reaction, but there's no reaction from Shaw.

★ Cho Young-nam: Not now. If you read it and object to me, I can respond.

◆ Choi Soo-young: But isn't it a little futile when life eventually converges to zero? Whether there's minus or plus, shouldn't we still have some left?

★ Cho Young-nam: Then what do you think of life as a number? How many?

◆ Choi Soo-young: I can't be part of the genius conversation. I also think it's close to zero.

★ Cho Young-nam: That's right. to be exact figures In figures made by the Arabs. It's nothing. It means that if you die, it's nothing.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: Self-proclaimed Jopenhauer, have you released a new book? What should I say about the representative title of our singer Cho Young-nam, who released a book called Schopenhauer Plus?

★ Cho Young-nam: Any way.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: I'm talking to Cho Young-nam, a Salon de Sangam singer, painter and writer.

◆ Choi Soo-young: This book contains all the five emotions of love, jealousy, envy, disgust, and desire. It seems that all the intimate stories in Cho Young-nam's life are melted, weren't you worried?

★ Cho Young-nam: I think it's comfortable to live openly. When you make friends with a man or a woman. "As much as I open up, we get closer." That's what I think.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: But there's also this story. It's wrong to think that the more you talk about yourself to the other person, the closer you get. ’ Which one is real?

★ Cho Young-nam: Wrong. It's a different story than that right now.

◆ Choi Soo-young: I reveal what I have without addition or subtraction.

★ Cho Young-nam: So I think that if you reveal it, that side will also reveal it.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: Does anyone who doesn't want to reveal them leave then?

★ Cho Young-nam: You don't talk. I don't reveal it. I tend to be obsessed with people I like.

◆ [Choi Soo-young] And then you get very familiar and you get closer quickly.

◇ Interest line: That's right. There's a phrase like this in this book. Schopenhauer cited jealousy and delight in other people's misfortunes as two sources of viciousness. ’ It's also a part that pokes me. Did you often read badly? What about Cho Young Nam?

★ Cho Young-nam: He's always vicious. We are. That's right.

◆ Choi Soo-young: Do you pretend to be good?

★ Cho Young-nam: And always living jealous. Pretending and pretending to live.

◆ Choi Soo-young: There's a saying that I like not being my rival more than being successful.

★ Cho Young-nam: It's annoying when you go to a monk or monk and say that a lot of people go to the monastery over there. Wouldn't the monk be annoyed if people went to that temple over there? It's annoying when you're a person.

◆ Choi Soo-young: The pastor actually tells me to love everything, but I think it would be a little embarrassing if I didn't love that church and this church.

★ Cho Young-nam: Of course. It's our essence. That's what human nature is, but it's convenient to live with the essence open, but since we can't do that, we fight and become evil.

◆ Choi Soo-young: Philosophy is about looking into the inner world and essence of human beings. But we can't say our essence by picking it up, but don't we sympathize if we get caught? I think that's the power of philosophy.

★ Cho Young-nam: I'm talking about philosophy, but I'm not qualified to talk about philosophy. By the way, Ikseon, who is the philosopher of our country?

◆ Choi Soo-young: Professor Kim Young-seok.

★ Cho Young-nam: They call him Professor Kim Young-seok, not Kim Young-seok as a philosopher.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: You're right. I can't think of anything.

★ Cho Young-nam: Our country doesn't have a philosopher.

◆ Choi Soo-young: I heard that there is a title of professor, but there is no title of philosopher.

★ Cho Young-nam: That's what I squeezed through.

◇ Interest line: I see. But earlier, envy and jealousy were very big. Then these emotions eventually bother you. It makes you feel guilty inside and again. Am I a bad person? Do you think these hateful emotions can be controlled? The will that Schopenhauer says.

★ Cho Young-nam: I would have written this in that line. When Cho Yong-pil bounces, and Na Hoon-ah does test-type a while later. People say, "What are you doing? How upsetting would I be? in the dark Isn't it something ugly about me? And then I thought, "Oh, I can't do this." ’ That's why I composed one.

◆ Choi Soo-young: No, as I was listening to you, I agreed, but the hardest cancer in the world is comparative cancer. There's nothing harder than that when you're compared to someone, but I'm the best. The person who has done this song and done it with all the famous people is one person from Korea. Isn't that a matter of self-esteem?

★ Cho Young-nam: That's why I'm consoling you. I'm just bragging. I'm bluffing. Because I bragged, no one sings that song. It's not even famous. It's too much compared to "Bounce" and "Teshyung".

◆ Choi Soo-young: If you hit yourself like this.

★ Cho Young-nam: That's why I'm comfortable.

◇ Interest line: I'm going to make some public comparisons today, not personal ones. The mark of a famous university in the outerwear that Cho Young-nam wore. There's a university mark that says Seoul is the best student, and a media mark. There is M headquarters in the media mark, but we don't have YTN. Out of all those logos.

★ Cho Young-nam: It's the fault of the people who make the patch, not mine.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: You're attached to your left shoulder right now, so please put a YTN on your right shoulder. Please make sure to put it in.

◆ Choi Soo-young: But you said there was something that stood out earlier.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: There's a lot of numbers, so is that number a county number or what number is it by reverse idea? Is he a student? There are a lot of numbers. What number is it?

★ Cho Young-nam: 62872332

◇ Profit Line: 62872332

★ Cho Young-nam: There are three children. Two sons and one daughter. I always take care of their birthdays, so I write them down and carry them around.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: Let's get back to the subject. Schopenhauer said, "A person with a good eye knows how to properly control the sweetness and bitterness of life." Then, what does Cho Young-nam's life currently taste like?

★ Cho Young-nam: I'm getting more sensitive about taste these days than about what I'm saying.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: Do you get rather sensitive? I heard you're getting dull.

★ Cho Young-nam: The most popular rice cake in Cheongju. I know that the world's most delicious hotteok is in Cheongju. Following the taste, I like pizza and hamburgers. What do you like about hamburgers? On my last trip to the United States and Canada, I went to know where and which country makes pizza best. But unexpectedly.

◇ Interest line: Isn't it Italy?

★ Cho Young-nam: No. We met in Toronto. Taste is my personal preference. Everyone, Toronto has the best pizza.

◆ Choi Soo-young: As you get older, you seem to become more detailed in your taste and more focused on what I prefer to eat deliciously.

★ Cho Young-nam: I don't know. I didn't really care about taste when I was young, but as I got older, I realized that a meal was very precious.

◆ Choi Soo-young: I read a book a few days ago, and there is a phrase that says the most touching phrase is given when you are young, but you make it when you are old. But looking at it now, you don't know the taste very well when you were young, but I felt that looking for the taste in detail like this is the process of making it like this, so I told you.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: You're right. Then, in addition, the desire to eat is also desire. Schopenhauer described humans as a myriad of desires, and what kind of desires are you engulfed in right now?

★ Cho Young-nam: There are many. There are endless limits. a desire to make money

◇ Lee Ik-seon: You made a lot of money.

★ Cho Young-nam : Desire to be more popular. The most unbreakable desire is how to increase your girlfriend without losing her.

◆ Choi Soo-young: Can you keep making it?

★ Cho Young-nam: Humans don't mean to die without that.

◆ Choi Soo-young: No, but you're saying that it's a lump of desire. Honestly, I want to get ahead, I want to know more, I want to go higher.

★ Cho Young-nam: There's a vocabulary that I shouldn't tell my friends.

◆ Choi Soo-young: You said 'to be honest' before you said it. Don't do that.

★ Cho Young-nam: I told my close friends not to use it until they die.

◆ Choi Soo-young: You can just be honest.

★ Cho Young-nam: That's right. If you pat on the back, what you've done before will be honest.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: I'm doing a lot of side branches, so I want to go back to the stem and talk a little bit more about this book, Schopenhauer Plus. I wonder what happiness is for Schopenhauer and what happiness is for Cho Young-nam.

★ Cho Young-nam: This is my perfect happiness while I'm alive. The best. I don't have that bucket list.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: Go ahead. You've done everything you want to do.

★ Cho Young-nam: That's right. That's what it means. I thought about why I didn't have it, so I tried everything.

◆ Choi Soo-young: You're still doing it. You go to Toronto and eat delicious pizza.

◇ Interest line: Then, additional question. People who have a good life don't like these questions. "If you could go back to the past, when would you go back to? If you ask the question, it means that I don't want to go back.

★ Cho Young-nam: I can't go back and why are you talking about such absurd things? There's not much time left to live and I'm still having fun. There's not much time left to live, so we have to talk about what to do for dinner tonight.

◆ Choi Soo-young: Happiness is also subjective.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: I'm happiest right now.

★ Cho Young-nam: That was a good thing to say. It depends on a person's mind. That's a very important story. Even if it doesn't seem like a big deal about how you make up your mind, it's a very important story.

◆ Choi Soo-young: I didn't read my autobiography, but the excerpts from it remind me of this sentence by Schopenhauer. "I can happily look back on what I did because I was not shaken no matter what anyone said. ’ This story is unshakable for those whose center of gravity of life is on them, that is, those who can look into themselves objectively. Can I take it in that sense?

★ Cho Young-nam : Stubborn. an insistence on one's life Schopenhauer couldn't be in a good relationship and couldn't fight with his mother, so he was disowned from a young age. Cut it right away. And taking a dog to play the flute. The impression was frighteningly even scarier than Beethoven. That stubbornness is indescribable. about one's argument I couldn't imagine breaking up with my mom, but it's unimaginable. But boldly, mom is done.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: That's very unexpected. Even though he was stubborn, he wrote in a prestigious book that fell in love with the public.

★ Cho Young-nam: I thought a lot about research while living alone.

◆ Choi Soo-young: But if you interpret the word stubborn again, you can accept that you wanted to keep your identity.

★ Cho Young-nam: Of course. Even though this person is a philosopher, he knows how to multiply his wealth, so he lives alone while increasing his wealth as much as anyone else. With that methodology, he didn't just do it with words, but he wrote a book by his actions.

◆ Choi Soo-young: I can't only make girlfriends.

★ Cho Young-nam: Only one woman dated an opera singer without knowing that Schopenhauer would become a famous philosopher.

◇ Interest line: I see. If it's YouTube, I think we'll talk about it like this since we only have a minute or two.

★ Cho Young-nam: Those PDs here are the best PDs in our country. That's right. They always ask me to sing when they invite me. You didn't order that. Hey, this is a great sense.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: I prepared peony and white.

◆ Choi Soo-young: We're getting ready.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: So how are you going to talk about this book in two or 30 minutes? We have no choice but to infer with a few words, right? To our Issue and People listeners, I will make sure to do this for the new year.

★ Cho Young-nam: There is no such thing. Why do people all live for their best? I think you're living well in any case, imagine and live like you are now. But live a long life instead.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: Live like you are now. Try to live for a very long time instead. I see.

◆ Choi Soo-young: I'll keep that in mind.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: It's the first time for the new year of Salon de Sangam 2025. We were with Cho Young-nam, a singer, painter, and writer who returned with the new book Schopenhauer Plus. Thank you for talking with me today.

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