■ Starring: Attorney Kim Kwang-sam
* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information. Please specify [YTN News Special] when quoting.
So far, the news has been that the police moved the ladder toward the post of the official residence and tried to enter, and the security service vehicles were seen inside several official residences earlier. He is trying to enter his official residence to execute an arrest warrant, but it is a difficult situation. But President Yoon has a reason for that, right?
[Kim Kwang-sam]
First of all, the security outside the presidential residence is the fence of the presidential residence. The 55th guard unit guards the fence. This guard is a member of the water defense. And the person who is also the general manager becomes a colonel-level class. However, it is a common legal procedure that once you try to enter, you have to get approval from the security team. However, the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit says it has been approved by the security team. However, according to media reports, the security team has approved it, but additional approval from the security agency is required. I sent an official letter like this. So, even if the security team approved it, it is impossible to enter without additional approval from the security office, but the airlift office said it was approved, so the security office said we have the right to approve it, not the 55th Guard. If you break through, you can be arrested because it is a violation of the law. And as we've said a lot so far, Articles 110 and 111 of the Criminal Procedure Act, don't you mean that you need the approval of the manager when you conduct a search and seizure? in areas requiring confidentiality, whether it is a military protection facility That's why they claim that it is illegal for the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit and the police to jointly execute the warrant because they need to get approval for that part.
Senior lawmakers of the people appear at the scene, and Kim Ki-hyun seems to be saying something. It would be nice if we could let you hear the on-the-spot sound, but we'll tell you what we're talking about as soon as it's organized. I'll ask reporter Kim Da-hyun a question. Please summarize the current situation. When I saw the scene, the police and the airborne office said it was aired.
That's right. Around the official residence, the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit and the police openly sent a message to the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit in this way, asking them to cooperate with the execution of the warrant through broadcasting. In response to this, the security service showed the movement of the vehicle. Cameras also captured the movement of Cadillac Escalade vehicles inside. In the meantime, the police said in additional notice that arrest warrants were issued last night for Kim Sung-hoon, deputy head of the security service, and Lee Kwang-woo, head of the security headquarters. Now, the police are executing warrants for Deputy Chief Kim Sung-hoon and Director Lee Kwang-woo along with warrants for President Yoon.
The lawyer mentioned about the security service's manual. Then, the court issued a warrant and is executing it, so if it's a security manual, is there a legal basis?
[Kim Kwang Sam]
In the Security Service, there is a manual to protect the president. But what's the meaning of the manual? It can be interpreted in a very diverse way. From the perspective of the security agency, since the manual is a security manual for the president, the execution of the warrant itself is done in the manual. Then there could be two perspectives on this. There may be a view that this is not a harm to the president, but an arrest warrant issued by a judge, so it cannot be done as a manual for presidential security. The other is the illegal execution of arrest warrants because they have not received approval or anything like this. If you judge it like this, you can return to the original security service's manual. So what I'm going to judge is whether it's an outside guard or something like that, you said you need approval from the security service. According to the manual, the Airborne Department has not been fully approved by the 55th Guard, and the security office has the right to approve it. This is an illegal official procedure because it has not been approved by the security service. So we have the power to deter this. He's looking at me like this. However, there is a considerable division within the security office. So, I think the most focused bodyguard is Jersey. So, whether the first, second, or third jersey is exercised through a vehicle or with various physical forces. If the cordon is breached, it seems to be drawing a line on things like forming a human chain like last time, bloodshed, or using weapons. So the first position is that I'm going to block it at the cordon. If the cordon is breached and you enter, we will cooperate there. I think it's done internally. The person known as the most hardline is Deputy Chief Kim Sung-hoon. However, it is said that some executives under Kim Sung-hoon informed about this. It is said that we used various physical forces, so we conveyed the incident to the effect that we would not do anything that would lead to bloodshed. As a result, we have the power to stop something as a security guard because the manual has not been approved to enter this place eventually. This is legitimate. So if we break through this without approval from the security service, we also have the power to arrest them as current offenders. I think it is intended to have the effect of making the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit hesitate to issue an arrest warrant by continuing to notify this.
The security service says they need their approval, but as you mentioned earlier, is it possible for the security service to arrest the police?
[Kim Kwang Sam]
The police themselves jointly execute the warrant with the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit. It can be seen as performing official duties. I don't think it's possible to see this as a criminal act. So you might think it's possible if you interpret it unilaterally based on the laws related to presidential security based on their legitimacy, but since this is an execution by an arrest warrant issued to the court, arresting judicial police officers and Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit employees is a warning and there is a high possibility that they will not go that far.
You mentioned it as a warning sign. There has been a breaking news about what the members of the People's Power are talking about in the field, so I will tell you. It is said that they are calling for an end to the execution of illegal arrest warrants. There was a comment from Rep. Kim Ki-hyun just now. Now, it seems that Na Kyung-won is expressing her position toward the camera. The police said that even if they are members of the National Assembly, they can arrest President Yoon Suk Yeol if they block him from executing the arrest warrant. What is your intention?
[Kim Kwang Sam]
In a way, it can be said that they are fighting. That's why they're confronting each other with the strong and powerful, arguing that their actions are justified. Compared to that, isn't the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit a public authority? Since the police are receiving a lot of help, it can be said that human and material resources are much more overwhelming than security agencies. And the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit is trying to execute the arrest warrant because they think there is justification for it because they have been issued an arrest warrant. Didn't the last arrest warrant fail? So, if we fail again this time, the issue of the existence of the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit will emerge. And even when the first execution failed, it received a lot of criticism, regardless of whether it was the right or wrong. That's why we can't help but be conscious of that, and the same goes for the police. We cooperated very passively last time, but this time, we are mobilizing almost a huge number of people, and we are mobilizing 3,700 people to help execute the warrant for the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit. If you fail to execute the warrant even after mobilizing so many people, you will experience a lot of social criticism and various crises. So, whether it is the police or the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit, it can be said that they are putting all their lives on the execution of this warrant.
At this time, we saw Na Kyung-won appeal to the reporters a little while ago after the members of the People's Power in front of the official residence in Hannam-dong, Seoul, announced various positions, but we are slowly moving to the back after the announcement of the position. Now, the police are tough on the security service's tough stance, but they are moderate in conciliation.
[Kim Kwang Sam]
It can be said that they are using a moderate two-sided strategy. the head of the security service Kim Sung-hoon, deputy chief of security, Kim Shin, head of the family, and Lee Kwang-woo are known as hard-liners, right? For these three, arrest warrants were issued for Lee Kwang-woo and Deputy Chief Kim Sung-hoon. Then, an arrest warrant was issued and about 80 people were assigned to arrest Kim Sung-hoon or Lee Kwang-woo. So the president's arrest team and the two's arrest team were divided. So even when the police entered, it seems that they announced on air that they would execute arrest warrants for Deputy Chief Kim Sung-hoon and Director Lee Kwang-woo. Then, if the hard-line leadership is arrested, the security service will of course be destroyed. I think you have to come. But there's no way the security service doesn't know that. Then, as a result, there is a high possibility that Lee Kwang-woo and Kim Sung-hoon will not come to the front. So I'm going to conduct from the back. He will try to prevent himself from entering his official residence. However, I don't know why I'm standing for so long when entering the official residence, but no matter how long the car wall is installed, I don't think there will be much problem in getting it pierced by using a ladder or using various equipment. However, there should be no physical conflict in the middle, so physical conflicts or mishaps are very burdensome whether it's a security agency or a police or an airborne organization. Therefore, in some cases, if an incident occurs without arrest, arrest will not be possible in the future. Then the same goes for the bodyguard. As a result, if a mishap occurs due to resistance, the security service will also face a lot of headwinds. So, it can be said that they are both concerned about the fact that no mishap will occur. Originally, it won't take time to pierce the cord if you set your mind to it. However, there can be concerns about mishaps and such, and looking at the current situation itself, the police seem to be going to a long-term war. So didn't you prepare winter clothes and tell the police to take extra clothes? Since you're thinking about 2 nights and 3 days, there's a high possibility that you'll go step-by-step. Breaking through the first cordon, breaking through the second cordon, and going through the third cordon. Then, if you break through the third cordon and go to the presidential residence, it will probably not be easy for the bodyguards to stop it then. So I think they're also using that strategy. Also, according to the principle principle, isn't it common to enter through the official residence? It is said that they are gathering toward Maebongsan Mountain, so it is difficult to pierce the jersey at the security office when entering through a detour. Since it is entering from both sides, it is difficult for the security to penetrate all the back, and in the case of the back, it is not easy to stop it with a bus or something like that. So, it is judged that the police are already planning A, B, and C as plans for all those things.
As the police and the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit continue to try to enter from outside, the movement seems to have changed inside the official residence. Several presidential security vehicles have been found, and they are fully prepared to respond, such as relocating security vehicles. What is President Yoon's position? Didn't the second arrest warrant also apply for a dispute trial by the Constitutional Court and a provisional injunction to suspend the validity of the warrant?
[Kim Kwang-sam]
President Yoon was a former prosecutor general. I know the law very well. First of all, he claims that he violated the law regarding whether or not to issue an arrest warrant and has jurisdiction, and refuses to execute the arrest warrant on the basis of that. But today's second arrest warrant is very important. Because it's the same with the airlift. And the same goes for the bodyguard. If the arrest warrant fails today, it is unlikely that the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit will be issued a third execution or an arrest warrant in the future. And the same goes for the security service. I'm sure you have that idea that if you stop it today, the president will not be arrested. So today's arrest warrant is a situation in which the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit must be executed unconditionally and the president must prevent it unconditionally. That's why the president keeps saying to ask for an arrest warrant. The premise is to file a claim with the Central District Court. If the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit gets an arrest warrant from the Western District Court and executes it, it means that they will do the same thing. Or it can be said that it is an indirect story that he will not go to the investigation of the validity of the arrest warrant. So, first of all, the president keeps talking about the illegality of the arrest warrant, and it includes the intention of preventing today's arrest warrant and first of all, whether it is an impeachment trial, trial, or investigation without detention.
When the second arrest warrant re-execution fails, the validity period is known to be until the 21st. After that, there could be a situation where you have to get another issuance. President Yoon's side will not respond to the Western District Court's arrest warrant anyway because it is invalid, but will he respond if the Central District Court issues it?
[Kim Kwang Sam]
That's what the purpose is now. As I said earlier, you said it's very important to execute an arrest warrant today. So if the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit fails today, I don't think it will request a third arrest warrant. Then it's right to transfer the case itself to the police. Then the police will be transferred and the police will have to investigate according to the principle. But if my personal opinion is that the execution of the arrest warrant failed last time, the reason for the failure of this case itself is that the president continues to talk about illegality. The Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit has no investigative power. There is a very unclear aspect of whether or not you have the authority to investigate. Moreover, you don't have the power to prosecute, do you? The second is the jurisdiction of the Central District Court, which means that it was expediently received by the Western District Court according to the clues. From the president's point of view, there is a justification for him to point out about it and reject it. As I said numerous times on the show, if you try to arrest and investigate the president of a country, you should follow the principle of principle, not give him a justification to resist it. However, I think the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit gave such a justification because they had no experience in investigation and misinterpreted various interpretations of the law. However, after the first failure of the arrest warrant, you didn't transfer it to the police. However, if the arrest warrant fails this time, I think it is correct to transfer it to the police, and there is a high possibility that it will. Then the police will proceed with the investigation, and then if the police investigate and will they issue another arrest warrant, I don't think they will. The third arrest warrant is executed, and if 3,700 people were mobilized today and failed, 5,000 would be mobilized, right? Would you like to bring in 10,000 people? It's difficult with physical strength. After that, it is highly likely that the police will be investigated and the police will apply for an arrest warrant and go to the procedure requested by the prosecution. So I think the president has that in mind.
Both sides are in a tight race because neither side can back down. I think there is a possibility that an anti-terrorism unit police commando may be deployed. I should say that the possibility is low, right?
[Kim Kwang Sam]
I don't think you should go that far. No matter how legitimate the arrest warrant itself is, it can be easily overpowered by mobilizing counter-terrorism forces. But first of all, it doesn't look good. And even if counter-terrorism forces are not mobilized, they have the capacity to execute arrest warrants, but aren't they criticizing the mobilization of drug investigation units? But even a drug investigation team is a member of the police. As a member, the police can work together to do something, and if the manpower is insufficient, the police work in a dispatch format, so that's not a problem, but if counter-terrorism personnel are mobilized, that can be a serious problem. That's why the police didn't deploy counterterrorism, commandos, or helicopters this time.
I'm looking at the front of the Hannam-dong residence at this time. Now, as the day gets closer, the situation is becoming more visible, but only police personnel are seen at the first cordon in front of the Hannam-dong residence. We'll let you know when we get a breaking news about our situation. We are talking about the execution of the warrant, but as mentioned earlier, the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit is trying to put in manpower and execute the second execution on a large scale by the maximum until the 3rd. It's the execution of an arrest warrant with that much luck. Then, if it fails this time, I think the position of the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit will be shaken.
[Kim Kwang Sam]
Of course. It's an arrest warrant execution unprecedented in history, you can see it like this. In general, three to four people, whether they are police or prosecutors, go and arrest them. That's why I'm sending you and escorting you, but you're the president. Since the president is also resisting this at his Hannam-dong residence, more than 3,000 people have been put into preventing it. But even if the airborne staff goes with you today, there will be only 30 to 50 people. So, when an officer of the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit announces the Miranda Principles in the execution of an arrest warrant and executes an arrest warrant against the president, it is not the police who do it independently, but generally physically overpower it, right? As a result, even if an arrest warrant is executed, it is not done by the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit, but it is actually done by the police. That's why the powerlessness and incompetence of the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit have been criticized continuously. If the execution of today's warrant itself fails, even though the police mobilized so much manpower and physical equipment, the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit is in a position of survival. So there will be a lot of criticism about the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit in terms of professionalism as well as in terms of competitiveness. And furthermore, if you pull out of this case and transfer it to the police, the existence of the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit becomes meaningless. I didn't do anything. The Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit did very little about this rebellion. All of them were transferred from the police, but they didn't do much because they requested an arrest warrant with all the investigation by the police and the investigation by former Minister Kim Yong-hyun. I didn't do much other than requesting an arrest warrant. As a result, you will be criticized a lot in terms of the ability, expertise, and so on of the investigation.
In any case, does the police have the right to investigate allegations of rebellion?
[Kim Kwang Sam]
Obviously, the police are the ones who have the right to investigate. In addition, the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit or the prosecution can investigate the crime of rebellion because they are involved in a certain investigation into the abuse of the president's authority. This seems legally possible. However, the problem is that the abuse of authority, the crime of rebellion has a very different serious relationship, and the weight is very different. However, while investigating a crime that is not so big, such as abuse of authority, it goes to a huge investigation called civil war. The next problem is whether it's an airborne office, a prosecutor, or a police officer, they investigate. The prosecution will prosecute. Then, the cases sent by the prosecution are abuse of employment and rebellion. But when you're prosecuting, you can't prosecute rebellion. No. Abuse of authority cannot be prosecuted, but rebellion can be prosecuted. However, only the crime of rebellion can be prosecuted, but the crime of rebellion is prosecuted by one leg without prosecuting the abuse of authority by investigating with abuse of authority. So there may be some legal problems.
Is it generally possible to judge that if a new crime is found while investigating, it can be prosecuted with it?
[Kim Kwang Sam]
There's nothing wrong when you're not the president. Based on former Minister Kim Yong-hyun, the prosecution does not have the authority to investigate rebellion while investigating abuse of authority. During the investigation of abuse of authority, the crime of rebellion was found, so we investigated together, and we can prosecute together. The president is not like a minister or an ordinary person. Because under the Constitution, you can't prosecute civil war other than foreign exchange. So, the investigation was conducted as an abuse of authority, but a very contradictory phenomenon occurs in which prosecution is not possible due to abuse of authority. So at first, the prosecution asked the police, the prosecution, the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit, and the military to jointly investigate, so if the police or the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit accepted this, this problem will not arise. At that time, everyone doesn't accept this just because they have authority, so there is a situation where there is a legal conflict.
I was watching the situation at the scene, and there was news that the police used a ladder to cross the barrier to install the security service. First of all, it seems that the entry is slowly starting. If there is a physical conflict over there, I think both sides will be burdened.
[Kim Kwang Sam]
It was already expected to use a ladder. It's hard to deliberately damage the door and go in like that. In general, it is considered that the method of using it has crossed the ladder, so the barrier itself is meaningless. If it's meaningful, it's like this. If the car wall is installed, police vehicles cannot take a large number of police officers through it. So, as a result, individually mobilized personnel have to penetrate the barrier.
I think it's a repetition of entering with a ladder. If there is a barrier, spread the ladder and move on, retrieve the ladder, and use it for the next barrier. That's why the criminal mobilization team has moved on. We're keeping an eye on the situation that keeps going up. Please tell us.
[Kim Kwang Sam]
If you do that, you'll be late. If the car wall is completely removed, the police vehicle can load the number of people on the bus and enter right away. But if you do it that way, the progress can be delayed. The police have entered.
Earlier, he said that if there are such car walls, you can enter by using cranes or heavy equipment.
[Kim Kwang Sam]
But it's going to be difficult. When you try to move the wall of the bus, you say the heavy equipment is a rack car, a crane. A big car needs to go in. It won't be easy to enter from the beginning, and even if you go in, it's narrow once you block it with a car wall. Then you can't go in without damaging it, and the direction is more important how the car wall is installed. That's why the police will review that part as well. So I'm not in a position where I can do anything with a tow vehicle. In some cases, this can happen. If you go over the ladder and then the vehicle goes in and starts, of course, if you call a professional. Then there might be a case of moving that vehicle and then putting in a large amount of police. Seeing the bus go in...
There is a breaking news that the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit and the police arrest team have passed the first cordon. Aren't there any gates left? Reporter Kim Da-hyun, it is expected that there will be multiple layers of cordon, have you heard anything?
If you think about the execution of the first warrant, there were not only the first cordon at the beginning, but also the second and third cordon, and eventually the execution failed. No one knows yet what the situation will be like afterwards because the security service was planning to strengthen the wall this time. As you can see on the screen, you can use a ladder to break through the car wall and see several police officers inside. I don't know how long it will take today.It is presumed that Ma will continue to use this method to cross the barrier and use the ladder and use this method.
First of all, we entered Hannam-dong's official residence with the screen you see. Dozens of people are arrested by the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit and the police after crossing the barrier through a ladder. I'm wearing clothes with a criminal guard written on my back. The police seem to have a lot of manpower, but in the second and third rounds, if we end up in front of the official residence, there's a fourth cordon, right?
That's right. I don't know how long it will take to get there, but we're currently pulling the reporters and showing them to Mangwon, and what we can see is the police officers who packed hot packs, water, and chocolate snacks. So it seems that you can prepare for a long-term war and are preparing for cold weather and situations that you have to endure outside for a long time.
The police also crossed the first cordon in preparation for a long-term war. There are a large number of participants in the rally in front of the official residence. The possibility of a violent clash cannot be ruled out, so if an accident occurs, it will be a lot of pressure on both sides, right?
[Kim Kwang Sam]
There are more than 3,000 people in my opinion because the Criminal Task Force is gathering in front of the official residence. If the car wall is installed, the movement path becomes very small and it can be seen that it is within the control range. No matter how many people gather in Gwanghwamun, Seoul City Hall, and Seoul Station, they can set up car walls and control them by the police. So if you secure the entrance to the official residence, such an accident won't happen. Furthermore, since there are pros and cons of impeachment, I don't think that conflict between forces is very likely to happen. We're going to get inside and then we're going to gather there again. We're not going individually. Then people from the wide-area investigation team will gather among themselves. So I'm going to go in according to the instructions. It's probably quite divided into roles.
The number of people has increased a lot. As it goes up from the screen, the arrest history of the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit and the police is using a ladder to break through the barrier of the security service. If you look at the map on the left, you can expect that the investigation team is in the process of presenting the second warrant near the official residence and executing the arrest warrant. As you mentioned earlier, weren't a lot of investigation and regional investigation team personnel deployed from the metropolitan area of Gyeonggi-do? This raises some concerns about a three-day hiatus if the drug investigation team or several criminal teams go into a long-term war over there, so how do we look at this?
It's likely to be that way. One of the reasons why D-Day is set as D-Day is the first is the execution of arrest warrants against hard-liners. So, there is one purpose to get an arrest warrant. Next, we need to send personnel from four metropolitan investigation teams, but overall, there are 700 to 1,000 people. Then there will be a lot of gaps in the National Police Agency itself. We have to stop all the other investigations. So, in setting the date, I understand that the wide-area investigation team's commanders' meetings were held three times. That's where I set today's date. Since it was announced in advance, I think the schedule for the investigation would have been left behind. But it's not like it's going to go for a week or two, but it's going to go for two nights and three days at the longest. Personally, I think it could be over as early as this morning. Generally, it is said up to two nights and three days, but it will depend on how the airborne office does it. And most importantly, if you expedite the hard-line arrest, the matter may be over in no time. We've entered, so we'll have to see it.
It is said that there has been an attempt to execute an arrest warrant since around 5 o'clock while climbing the first cordon, so what we are looking at in front of the official residence is the guard post in front of the official residence. It seems that the first cordon has passed since it took about two and a half hours. I'll ask reporter Kim Da-hyun a question. The first cordon was now opened to the main gate, and a large number of police personnel were able to be confirmed by video. Perhaps predictably, another manpower was assigned to the arrest team, which moved to the back road of Maebongsan Mountain. If you go up that road, what is the next step towards?
Since it crossed the first cordon, it seems to be in the middle of the second cordon afterwards. We'll have to go through the second cordon first. I don't know right now, but comparing the first situation, there were small tactical vehicles, then large SUVs, parked at the time, and so-called human barricades were set up because people crossed their arms, but I think it will be a similar situation this time.
Is there a high possibility of a confrontation in the second cordon?
In the midst of this, I'll bring you the news of the airborne office. At the time of the first warrant execution, senior prosecutor Lee Dae-hwan, who was the TF team leader of the emergency martial law airlift, led the site, but this time, Cha Jung-hyun, the chief case prosecutor, will lead the site. That's why they're at the scene. Oh Dong-woon, the head of the airborne division, also came to work a little while ago today. He said he did not respond to reporters asking if he would execute the warrant today or if he had any other plans for Plan B.
Can it be interpreted as a willingness to execute an arrest warrant with a high probability today?
That's right. Didn't the National Assembly also show its will externally? I will execute the warrant with the determination that this is the last time. Therefore, it should be considered that the head of the organization has expressed such will from the standpoint of the head who is working on the organization's fate.
There is a manpower who went up Maebongsan Mountain, and has there been any news about that?
In Maebongsan Mountain, the news that the Criminal Investigation Unit approached the circular barbed wire fence near the official residence was briefly reported, but since this is important information, we will make sure to synthesize it and deliver it to you.
We will check the details of the arrest further and deliver it to you. The arrest warrant search warrant is until the 21st. It was a week earlier. It's usually known as an arrest warrant for a week, but this time, they gave it three weeks. Is this also meaningful?
[Kim Kwang Sam]
The principle is set as seven days. But in some cases, it can be up to two or three weeks depending on the situation. A general arrest warrant, so the police or prosecution summoned it while investigating, but it didn't come out. Then he ran away. In such cases, the arrest warrant period may be extended until the statute of limitations expires. Most people do that a lot.
Is there a case like that?
[Kim Kwang-sam]
Everyone does that when they get a nomination. That's why it's usually 7 days when there's a possibility of immediate arrest. In some cases, the court may do this because the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit also requests the expiration date of the arrest warrant for a fixed period. I made a request for three or four weeks from the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit, but you can shorten the period when you issue it in court. So maybe the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit did what they claimed. The Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit was set for a longer period, but the court may have made it shorter.
In the police, if there is a force that interferes with the execution of the arrest, it is possible to arrest a current criminal. Whether it's a member of Congress or a security guard. That's what I said. Is it actually possible?
[Kim Kwang Sam]
It's a fundamental story. Would you use your physical force just because lawmakers stopped you? I think they'll probably get together in front of them and make protest remarks about it. And the police have already entered. There's nothing to stop unless there are lawmakers in there. So kind of their thoughts on the president, their thoughts on the execution of arrest warrants. I'm expressing my opinion on these things, and I don't think I'm going to be arrested as a red-handed criminal.
Didn't the crack show up inside the security office? How do you read the airflow inside the bodyguard?
[Kim Kwang Sam]
I think there are quite a few hardliners and moderates inside the security service. There are about three to four hard-liners, including the deputy chief of security, and there are managerial and managerial levels below. However, there seems to be a strong atmosphere that we cannot do this at the manager and manager level. And there are quite a lot of people inside the security office who have requested a vacation. I have no will to stop it, I have room to see it like this. So, if the police arrest Kim Sung-hoon, a hard-line deputy chief, Lee Kwang-woo, head of the division, and Kim Shin, head of the family department, they will purely cooperate with the execution of the arrest. So isn't there more than 300 or 400 people in the security service? There's no room in there for us to stay together. I usually take turns commuting to and from work, but I don't eat there and I don't have enough sleep. And I'll be on the phone with my family almost every day and I might be watching YTN at this moment. Then there can't be no psychological agitation. In some cases, if I am mobilized to obstruct or block the execution of an arrest warrant and do something wrong, I may lose my job as a public official I have accumulated so far. In addition, if you are punished because it is a legal problem, you cannot get a pension, and if you think about your personal many things, I think you have lost a lot of will to actively block the execution of arrest warrants.
Breaking news, the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit and the police arrest team have arrived at the second cordon. Reporter Kim Da-hyun, please organize the situation so far.
It is said that the police, investigative personnel from the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit, and arrest personnel arrived at the second cordon. According to the news just covered, the second cordon was also a barrier. When the barrier appeared, we used a ladder and then when the car came out, we used this ladder again and again. We can try that strategy again this time, and we have to keep watching.
Let me point out this, and Presidential Chief of Staff Chung Jin-suk issued a public appeal yesterday, which allows us to consider other methods of investigation. But the reason for that is, shouldn't we guarantee the right to self-defense against the president? What does the right to self-defense refer to?
[Kim Kwang Sam]
There's a story like that. When an arrest warrant is executed, it is different from being investigated under arrest and being investigated without detention. That's why I'm telling you not to execute an arrest warrant. Director Jeong Jin-seok's story is. Therefore, as a defendant, he is asked to abide by the principle of investigation without detention, and since he is the president of a country, the appearance of being taken by an arrest warrant does not fit national prestige and can confuse state administration. So, don't execute an arrest warrant, but keep the principle of investigation without detention and since you are the president, if you want to investigate, don't drag and investigate, but show flexibility in a third place or place. It's for this purpose, but it's not really meaningful. Because it's not an opinion that can be accepted by the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit.
The first and second three notifications of the summons were notified, but they did not respond, leading to arrest. But if this opinion was presented at the time of the summons, not now, would it be possible to review it then?
[Kim Kwang Sam]
Maybe, but the airlift wouldn't have accepted it. Because when the summons was made, the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit had already investigated and did not execute an arrest warrant, but the president voluntarily attended. Then he would have tried to arrest him urgently while investigating. The president knows that. So, if you comply with the summons, you are likely to be arrested immediately and seek an arrest warrant, so I think the president did not comply with the summons.
We just got another breaking news. The Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit and the Police Arrest Team just got a breaking news that the second cordon also passed. It is said that the bus barrier was installed. It was reported that it passed through the second cordon without much resistance. Have you been covered in this regard?
There are not many additional items since then, but if you look at the picture, you will be able to understand it quickly.
Earlier, small medium-sized buses passed through the first cordon, and there was a large bus at the second cordon, and it seems that the arrest personnel took a detour toward the bush without using a ladder. Previously, they were gathered on the lower side, went up, and went up to the second cordon. In this way, we came to the second cordon for about 3 hours from the period we looked at until the 3rd. Then, do you think there is a possibility that the lawyer will cross the 3rd and 4th cordons?
[Kim Kwang Sam]
But it won't be too difficult until the first, second, and third rounds. The most important thing is not to prevent a large number of police from entering at once, but to buy time. So in the case of the secondary cordon, even if the bus is installed like that, you can enter all the sides. I don't know where the third cordon is, but the most important thing is the iron gate. Then, if you block the iron door, you can eventually get closer to the president, and when you approach the president, you should see how the security office stops you. You probably expected that the secondary cordon would also be easily pierced. Then if you decided to resist at the cordon, you'd have a security guard over there. However, if you deploy security guards in the first, second, and third rounds, they will be dispersed. Once dispersed, the last cordon can be easily breached. So from the perspective of the security service, it's just meaningful to prevent a lot of police from coming in at once, and it's highly likely that the security guards will do their best to do so in the last 3rd and 4th cordons.
He even analyzed that the manpower allocation would be concentrated in the government office because there are more manpower in the investigation team. The second arrest warrant for President Yoon Suk Yeol by the Joint Investigation Headquarters is currently being executed. You can see on the screen the experiences of passing through the secondary cordon blocked by the bus gather again after passing through. Compared to the first round, it looks relatively loose. You can see that the resistance of the security service is not that strong. So far, yes. However, the last thing that was blocked during the first execution was the third cordon. The Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit explained that the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit and police personnel were advancing to 200m in front of the official residence, and about 10 vehicles and 200 people were arm in arm to squeeze and block the scrum.
It was blocked there, and only three prosecutors had a chance to meet with lawyers, but the first arrest warrant was canceled in five and a half hours because there was no coordination of opinions. It may not be captured on the screen. It is a situation to see how many cordons will be built in front of the official residence. I think a lot of experience has been put into it even on the screen. How much has been put in this time?
First of all, if we explain the police forces that will be deployed to the execution today, about 1,000 personnel from security investigation teams and wide-area investigation teams from four local governments in the Seoul metropolitan area, including Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and Incheon, will be deployed. And police forces to maintain order were also deployed around the official residence. It has been confirmed that more than 3,000 police personnel have been deployed. It is confirmed that the personnel involved in the execution of the second arrest warrant are divided into roles. It seems that they are participating in the execution of the warrant by dividing their roles into obstacle removal, suppression team, and arrest search team. Among them, it is known that bulletproof vests were provided, especially in the case of arrest and search teams. Since it has been confirmed through media reports that the security service staff are armed, it is confirmed that it is a safety measure taking this into account.
I'm continuing to show you the screen on the 2nd cordon side. Breaking news has come in. There was news that the 3rd cordon was also blocked by a bus. There was a third cordon when the first arrest warrant was executed, but today it is not confirmed whether there will be a third cordon or more, but we need to check what will happen after the third cordon. I think I need to check if the screen on the right is the access road to the official residence.
It's a slightly different screen from what I kept telling you on the morning broadcast, so it looks like a security guard and a police officer. Experiences waiting at the door. Based on the emblem of the presidential office, it can be presumed to be another access road to the presidential office. In the case of a special police force, safety is the principle, and didn't you set the principle that no one should be injured?
That's right. If I borrow the words of a police special team official and explain it, he emphasized that the first principle is safety. He stressed that the top priority is to enforce it so that there are no casualties or bloodshed. It is also known that if there is an arrest of a current criminal, he will be dispersed and escorted and investigated. The police have announced a policy that employees who cooperate with the execution of warrants will be given leniency.
We're dividing the screen into two and showing it to you. The left side is going up toward the official residence. It would be nice if the reporters at the scene could tell us exactly what the screen on the right is. I'll tell you exactly as soon as I check it. Additional breaking news came in, and it was confirmed that the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit and the police investigation team arrived at the third cordon. And it is confirmed that the security service staff are also lined up.
It is believed that the screen on the right is the third cordon screen. It's said that the security service staff are lined up. Police and airborne officials also appear to have arrived soon.
The on-site reporters informed me that the screen on the right is the third cordon. It looks like it's waiting outside and it seems to be blocked by a bus inside. The bus is parked diagonally, and it seems to be to prevent experiences from entering.
However, from here, I don't see as many bodyguards as I did last time. The security officials said that about 200 people were scrambling for the first warrant at the 3rd cordon, but that doesn't seem to be confirmed. Perhaps we can't rule out the possibility that the primary, secondary, and tertiary cordons have moved. There is also a possibility that we have changed the place where we build the cordon. If President Yoon is arrested today, could you please summarize what the process will be like after his arrest?
When executing an arrest warrant, of course, the Miranda Principles are notified. The specific reason for the arrest is also expected to be explained. If President Yoon is arrested, he will then move to the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit for questioning. It is less than 200m from Hannam-dong's official residence to the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit. There are a lot of people near the residence right now, and the road seems to be partially controlled, so we need to wait and see how long it will take from the residence to the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit. I'll also explain how the inch or detention process goes after the arrest. First of all, the place of the inch means that there should be a place to keep the arrested person. The arrest warrant for President Yoon states that it is an airlift office or a police station near the arrest site. It seems highly likely that it will be an airlift. After completing the investigation, the place to be detained is the Seoul Detention Center. So after the investigation by the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit, they are detained in a detention center. In summary, if you are arrested today, it is assumed that you will move to the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit and continue the high-intensity investigation. After completing the investigation, you can be considered to be imprisoned in the Seoul Detention Center.
The screen on the right shows the 3rd cordon right in front of the official residence. Experience was also put in through the entrance to the guard post, that is, through the entrance to the official residence. As I said, my career has also moved through the nearby Maebongsan Mountain hiking trail. It is expected that they may be entering or arriving through barbed wire. In the case of the police, the level of pressure from the security service has been increased. That's likely a watershed moment in the execution of the second warrant. In the case of Chief of Security Park Jong-joon, he responded during the third summons and even submitted his resignation. And an arrest warrant was issued for Kim Sung-hoon, deputy head of the security service, as revealed by the police today. An arrest warrant has also been issued for Lee Kwang-woo, the head of the security headquarters. Before entering earlier, he also announced that he would execute an arrest warrant for Deputy Chief Kim Sung-hoon. Perhaps on the president's side, the gathering of security guards was important. That's why lawyer Yoon Gap-geun said many things, right? Can you explain that to me?
It was confirmed through a report by Rep. Yoon Gun-young of the Democratic Party of Korea, and it was also known through some media reports. It's the day before yesterday. It's on the 13th. At around 8:30 p.m., lawyer Yoon Gap-geun gathered about 70 bodyguards from the security service and talked. Police cannot come in as a group because of the barbed wire fence, but arrest is possible if it is individual. And qualified as a judicial police officer. This is a legal basis for the Presidential Security Act, and in the case of crimes that occur during work and crimes that are recognized by the workplace, bodyguards can also act as judicial police, and based on this, it is reported that they have informed bodyguards that police can be arrested. Lawyer Yoon Gap-geun is known to have said to his bodyguards, "We should be a community of values."
Experiences of airborne agents, prosecutors and investigators arrived in front of the third cordon. We're delivering it on the site screen. The warrant was executed from 4 a.m. today. We've reached the 3rd cordon. From the screen, it seems that Presidential Chief of Staff Jeong Jin-seok and Attorney Yoon Gap-geun are entering. Perhaps after talking to the prosecutor of the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit, the chief of staff and lawyer Yoon Gap-geun seem to go back inside the official residence. It is believed that the person in the middle of the screen is Cha Jung-hyun, the chief prosecutor. Some people were seen being guided inside the official residence. There is a possibility that it has been agreed to go inside only the minimum experience without opening the iron door of the official residence. To explain again, the screen I'm showing you now is the 3rd cordon right in front of the official residence. It was blocked by a car wall, but Presidential Chief of Staff Jeong Jin-seok came out. I came out with lawyer Yoon Gap-geun. Some suspected prosecutors or investigators of the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit and their careers have been captured on our reporters' screens. It is expected that additional coverage will be available to report whether the search was allowed or the arrest was to be responded to. We've entered the third cordon. Aren't you also directing the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit at the scene?
Cha Jung-hyun, the chief prosecutor, is leading the field, and we will find out a little more about whether he is responding to the execution of the warrant or trying to coordinate related discussions as he did in the first round of execution.
It's the entrance right in front of the official residence. It's the third cordon. When the first warrant execution was canceled, the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit explained that only three prosecutors went to the entrance of the residence and met with lawyers, including lawyer Yoon, and coordinated there, but failed to get cooperation. So I once explained that I came back in five and a half hours. It's assumed that this is the place. Things are different today. Presidential Chief of Staff Jeong Jin-seok and Attorney Yoon Gap-geun came out of the third cordon of the official residence, and prosecutors or investigators from the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit and police officers entered the official residence. Let's go back to the process so far. It also took a long time to break through the primary cordon.
That's right. Some members of the People's Power were also arriving from the front. In this process, it took some time to move, but after crossing the first cordon, it seems that the process of crossing the second cordon and arriving to the third cordon as you see now took a relatively short time. A large number of people have entered the interior relatively quickly, and they are now checking the video to see how they entered the 3rd cordon.
From 4 o'clock in the morning, we have delivered the images of the vehicle moving at the airborne office and the arrival of the vehicle in front of the official residence. It's a little past 8 o'clock right now. In front of the presidential residence, Chief of Staff Jeong Jin-seok and Attorney Yoon Gap-geun come out of the residence to guide the investigators and careers of the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit through the on-site screen. If the president is arrested, there may be a consultation inside. There could be such consultations, such as responding to a summons or being investigated at a third place or at this place, but could you explain once again what the process will be like if the arrest warrant is executed as revealed by the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit and the Korea Communications Standards Agency?
If an arrest warrant is executed, the Miranda Principles must be notified. It is also expected to explain the process of explaining the reason for the arrest of President Yoon and the specific reason for the arrest warrant to President Yoon or his lawyers. After the arrest, an investigation is expected to follow. First of all, the place of inches seems highly likely to be an airlift. After completing the investigation, the place to be detained is the Seoul Detention Center. After completing the investigation of the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit, he is expected to be detained in a detention center. It would also be good to explain the investigation room where President Yoon's investigation is conducted. The investigation will be conducted in the investigation room on the 3rd floor of the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit. It will be about the size of a regular residential room, and video recording equipment is also provided. If President Yoon agrees, the video and audio will remain as records. President Yoon and his lawyer will sit inside the investigation room, and Chief Prosecutor Lee Dae-hwan and Chief Prosecutor Cha Jung-hyun, who is leading the execution today, will sit on the other side. There is also a separate resting area across from the imaging room. As it can be a high-intensity long-term investigation, it seems that there is also a separate rest area.
What we were able to confirm during the execution of the warrant today was that there were not many security officials. When the first cordon was in place, we could see dozens of security guards gathered in the driveway to watch, but when their careers entered immediately, we could not see security guards blocking them. It's different from the first execution. I think it can be assumed that there is an atmosphere that is shaking that much. In the meantime, there was an atmosphere, and there were many related reports. Considering that, in the case of lawyer Yoon Gap-geun, he explained that even if the police come in, they can work as a security guard and arrest the police. So far, there seems to be no physical conflict between the security service staff and the joint investigation headquarters. Although there are lawyers and scuffles with members of the People's Power when crossing the first cordon, there are no major conflicts so far. Previously, in the case of lawyer Seok Dong-hyun, didn't you disclose the search warrant for the president of Yoon Suk Yeol? What was it about?
First of all, it's a search warrant that moves with an arrest warrant. President Yoon's legal adviser and lawyer Seok Dong-hyun released a search warrant issued by the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit to the media today. First of all, the validity period of the warrant is until the 21st. It's 7 days after the warrant is issued, so about 2 weeks is the expiration date. It said that night warrants can be executed. It has been confirmed that the places where the search warrant requires a search are the official residence, the presidential residence, and the safety house. It has been confirmed that the details of President Yoon's charges are also written in detail in the search warrant. The Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit said in the warrant that President Yoon declared an unconstitutional and illegal emergency martial law to paralyze the function of the National Assembly as the opposition party continued to push for impeachment, budget cuts and stock price manipulation allegations against his spouse, Kim Gun-hee. It was also found that the warrant also stated that opposition lawmakers and Central Election Commission officials were trying to arrest and detain them for election offenses.
We are continuing to deliver the on-site screen. It is confirmed that most of the 3rd cordon, personnel from the Senior Secretary Jeong Jin-seok, and the police officers entered the official residence under the guidance of lawyer Yoon Gap-geun. It is understood that the police's follow-up personnel are being put in. I think it would be good for viewers to understand if you could show the screen by the main entrance of the official residence together. The screen I'm showing you is right in front of the official residence. We explained everything on the site screen, but there seems to be no big collision. Since the security service has been so hard-line, there have been many concerns that it could collide with the police and that bloodshed could occur, but so far, that has not been confirmed. Didn't you make such efforts?
If you look back to yesterday, it was yesterday morning. The police proposed a meeting with the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit and the Security Service in a surprise move. The discussion was conducted to minimize the conflict ahead of the execution of the second arrest warrant, but only the difference in position was confirmed and it ended without results.
Through the on-site screen, Chief of Staff Jeong Jin-seok and Attorney Yoon Gap-geun came out of the official residence and guided the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit and police personnel into the official residence.
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